I Need A Good Texture Pack Making Website/App/Method That ACTUALLY WORKS!!brush

TW15T3D5H4D0W's Avatar TW15T3D5H4D0W4/12/21 6:38 pm history
4/16/2021 12:18 pm
robonate135's Avatar robonate135
I have a few ideas for texture packs, but I don't have anywhere to actually MAKE the texture packs. First, I tried Stingray Productions' Texture Pack Workbench (LINK), but I couldn't even figure out how to open the damn thing once I downloaded it. Then I tried this other dude who calls his channel Skyware Entertainments (LINK). He basically just used MS Paint, but all this method gives me is blank white textures (shown below). So, anybody know how to make a decent texture pack that actually works?

Texture Pack Fail I
Texture Pack Fail II

Posted by TW15T3D5H4D0W's Avatar
Level 40 : Master Vampire Necromancer

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04/12/2021 6:54 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Dycept's Avatar
don`t use a website or app.
just make it urself
04/13/2021 8:22 am
Level 28 : Expert Toast
ImBread's Avatar
04/12/2021 7:09 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Dinosaur
PaleoTech's Avatar
Bridge is fantastic for the coding end, and Gimp and Blockbench are good for the art, but otherwise there isn't much in the way of specific apps for Minecraft. Hope this helps!
04/12/2021 7:36 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
GrimWitherYT's Avatar
Yeah I find gimp really good for making textures and block bench for models.
04/12/2021 7:45 pm
She/Her • Level 32 : Artisan Fox Fox
Pixus's Avatar
As someone who's making a texture pack, I just use Aseprite to make the textures.
If you mean like actually putting them into a format the game recognizes, I do that mostly by scratch, replacing files when needed.
04/13/2021 6:31 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
oakar258's Avatar
Forget about resourcepack makers - you have true control, when you create resourcepack manually.

Try out this Minecraft Wiki tutorial: minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Creating_a_resource_pack
04/13/2021 8:21 am
Level 28 : Expert Toast
ImBread's Avatar
I literally use Microsoft Paint3D and my "packs" get lots of downloads lol, you don't need all this fancy software and feel like your controlling a NASA space shuttle, literally a few colors there, like 3 paint brushes, it's very easy. But to be honest, this isn't really good advice and I think you should just try Paintdotnet, its way better then Paint and more easier to control then GIMP or something :)
04/13/2021 2:32 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Dycept's Avatar
to change the textures easily use this
04/13/2021 2:33 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Dycept's Avatar
04/13/2021 2:54 pm
He/Him • Level 70 : Legendary Vampire Dragon
ShinyDragon96's Avatar
Don't use novaskin, it is made for like 1.13 and hasn't been updated in a long time. It pretty much has everything is mixed around. It has a nice feature where you can make the textures in 3d but overall, it is terrible to use.
04/13/2021 2:59 pm
He/Him • Level 70 : Legendary Vampire Dragon
ShinyDragon96's Avatar
Yeah, the best way is definitely to do it manually. Watch a tutorial video or just get someone to organize for you. I made a Tutorial Forum about it and you can just extract the vanilla files which will give you all textures and everything and it will be organized correctly. There can be a few unused textures, files, and more that you might want to go through and remove but it gives you every texture in the game including models and blockstates! I suggest using a pixel editor that can just generally paint, import, and export. I like using Piskel which you can download or just use on the site but it doesn't support transparency. I don't really have a suggestion for transparency, I just use a simple one I found but I don't like it too much.

Good luck on your texture pack!
04/14/2021 11:50 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster System
robonate135's Avatar
I use paint.net which (althoughit sounds like a website, it's an app), it's free you can get it here https://www.getpaint.net/
04/16/2021 12:18 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster System
robonate135's Avatar
This is what i do to make texture packs (now I tmight be different for java, but it's really simple for bedrock) I go to the minecraft.net addon page, and at the bottome you can download a zip of a base texture pack that can be moddified to your liking (you can go as far as to change the models for the entities and armor or even change the walking animation) All you need then is an image editor and a text editor, and boom your done. Although from what I know, java is a bit more complex, you need to rip the textures from the game directly, and can't edit it as easily as bedrock. The thing about texture pack making apps/ websites, is that they are alot more limited than the straight files.

TL;DR: don't use any wedsite or app, just use the straight files.

if your making it for java, here is the mc wiki page on it: minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Creating_a_resource_pack

If it's for bedrock same: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Creating_resource_pack_add-ons

And here's the files for a bedrock pack: https://www.minecraft.net/addons
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