Are creepers plants like mat pat says? (Lore)

Makaneek's Avatar Makaneek10/11/19 11:07 am
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10/17/2019 10:41 pm
Makaneek's Avatar Makaneek
Are they plants or not?

My opinion: Creepers cannot possibly be plants because all plants require sunlight, and creepers mostly live in the dark. The spore-explosion thing makes some sense though.
Posted by Makaneek's Avatar
Level 48 : Master Answer

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10/11/2019 11:11 amhistory
Level 24 : Expert Robot
C0okies_n_Cream's Avatar
I belive they are a plant that requires the light from the moon instead of the sun and a lot of plants dont require very much sun at all
10/11/2019 11:36 amhistory
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
While it is technically possible for a plant to photosynthesize in moonlight, It would need to always be outside to collect enough. And creepers spend plenty of time underground, which challenges this greatly.
10/11/2019 11:26 am
Level 43 : Master Wolf
Hardcrafter's Avatar
Why do they drop gunpowder if they're plants? As far as I know, gunpowder isn't made of any plant-based materials. If Mojang did want to go the plant/spore route, wouldn't they just have the Creepers drop spores or some other plant based ignition source? Also, the only way the explosion of spores thing makes sense is if it's a defence mechanism, but it appears that rather than a simple defence, Creepers actively try to kill you, and it just so happens that their method of attack is suicide bombing. In addition to that point, why would it be necessary for the Creeper to kill itself to release its spores? Finally if they are meant to be spores why doesn't the explosion of one Creeper not spawn more? Spores generally are also a source of reproduction for plants that use them.
10/11/2019 11:31 am
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
I'm not saying they do use spores, I just think it's an interesting theory, even though there's not much evidence. sorry if I was unclear.
10/11/2019 11:34 am
Level 43 : Master Wolf
Hardcrafter's Avatar
That's fine, I was just doing a full analysis of the theory.
10/11/2019 11:31 am
Level 48 : Master Strawberry
memora's Avatar
creepers were meant to be pigs

which are animals so uhh
10/11/2019 2:33 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Scribe
RacoonMaster's Avatar
who cares Xd but in some sense i guess they'd be animals because they would've "realistically" evolved from the same species as the pig.
10/11/2019 3:24 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
I imagine creepers to be reptilian, with one or two insectoid features.
10/11/2019 3:09 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Lemilas's Avatar
They seem a lot more like animals to me. However, according to the Minecraft Wiki, Notch stated, "I imagine [creepers] as being made out of leaves or similar." Which sounds a lot more like plants. I guess I'm not sure what to think.

Link to Minecraft Wiki article
10/11/2019 3:23 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
I don't think notch's opinion matters quite as much as people think it does. Players should form their own educated opinions.
10/11/2019 7:54 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc565853's Avatar
10/11/2019 7:56 pm
Level 40 : Master Artist
God_Oh_War's Avatar
Just put I dont care xD
10/11/2019 8:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Musician
myrtlehuggy's Avatar
some plants grow in the dark
10/11/2019 8:09 pmhistory
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
any examples? (If you put creeper then I swear...)
10/17/2019 8:30 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc565853's Avatar
10/16/2019 11:10 am
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
Creeper, Aww m-


no I wont do that
10/16/2019 11:47 amhistory
Level 19 : Journeyman Crafter
Van_Goo's Avatar
They not plants. I say this because its already confirmed that creepers have bones and a whole bone structure. This was confirmed in a Minecraft Book, called "Minecraft: Mobestiary" that shows a Creeper and how looks inside of them.
And, we can see how the Creeper have a skull, bones, a HEART and even a TNT Block inside of them.

Also, yes. the mobestiary is a official Minecraft book

10/16/2019 12:03 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
LaPandaBlasee's Avatar
damn ! now i kinda want this book !
10/17/2019 4:13 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
Buy it. you won't regret it.
10/17/2019 4:12 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
This is the absolutely best Minecraft book ever. Although I haven't read the lost journals yet, so my opinion could change.
10/17/2019 8:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc565853's Avatar
10/17/2019 8:39 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
10/17/2019 10:00 pm
Level 26 : Expert Miner
CeIeste's Avatar
They're talking about the fact it says green, even though it's more of a transparent blue.
10/17/2019 10:05 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
ah, ok.
10/16/2019 12:02 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
LaPandaBlasee's Avatar
i think that theory doesn't make much sense lol, it's obvious that they are creatures that can walk and do what they want, unlike plants.
we might be able to call creepers animals more than plants ? but yeah they are beings with a mind of their own to me
10/16/2019 2:10 pmhistory
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
It’s clear to me that since there has been a lot development in Minecraft since MatPat’s original video, not many points stand true. What I believe is that TNT block you see is an organ used to store vital minerals for combustion. The the components of gunpowder consist of carbon, potassium nitrate, and sulfur, the former being found in plants. Sulfur, however, can only be found mainly in mineral form, thus explaining why creepers can be found so far underground, since they need this mineral to keep up its defenses. And what do you know, lapis lazuli has sulfur in it, albeit very little. This is probably why you don’t find it as often. When it senses danger, its heart rate goes so fast that it causes friction near the bones, thus creating a heat source that ignited the TNT. By stopping the heart (i.e killing it), you stop the friction from occurring.

So yeah, they’re animals with a mineral-filled diet.
10/16/2019 5:09 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
FishyBusiness's Avatar
I do believe that creepers are not plants but Notch (The game creator) imagined them being a pile of leaves or something like that
10/17/2019 3:11 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
8865's Avatar
I dont care as long as they dont kill me and steal my stuff
10/17/2019 4:58 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
Luis_Ur's Avatar
I'll have to find that book, head lore wise I though it would be fun to tie Creepers to bats, as some sort of dark magically induced beings from bat guano, which used to be used in old dynamite recipes. Though the fact they have bones and a heart does make that less likely unless they were some sort of converted zombie.
10/17/2019 10:36 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
Creepers might have been plants at one point (Notch era type dealio) and the reason they only appeared in nighttime is basically their time to roam; I mean, if a plant is in a spot with sunlight obviously it won't go hunt for sunlight because it's kinda in an ideal spot. So a creeper might pop out sorta like a slime mold. All the lil spores get together to make a big spore. I see other people who confirm it's a creature with the minecraft book, but I'd need to see some dates with that. I have a feeling somewhere it was a plant but after a while they decided to ditch that idear.

So canonically, no they're not plants, maybe at one point? but no they arent anymore.

My thoughts despite cannon:

Who cares? Clearly you because you bothered to click on it xD Even if you hate this discussion considering it has an emotional impact enough on you to warrant a response means that it does matter a bit to you. Unless you meant it as in 'it doesn't matter which one it is' in which case you're absolutely right.

They're not plants! That picture showing the anatomy is pretty flippin stupid xD not gonna lie. I know minecraft isn't renowned for its accuracy but . .. a TNT strapped inside the creeper? xDDDD the bone structure's also a bit wonky but that's more nitpicky Maybe true but still flippin stupid xD

They're plants! I wish. and notch definitely thinks so; and the argument 'let people make their own guesses' instead of letting notch's opinion being used as evidence is a rather old rhetoric. Yes, some parts can be left to imagination but here it's more or less the equivalent of cutting out Thanos's origin story and being instructed to imagine his backstory. Yes it's not 100% important to the narrative but leaving it up to people is sort of like the steven universe or JJ abrams version of a good mystery xD

But hey that's just my thoughts. And if my thoughts make you compelled enough to say a thing or two go for it man. Altho if you disagree with my thoughts on the anatomy of a creeper then I'll send you a diagram of the ghast anatomy designed the same way. (and let me just tell you in advance, it's not tooooo pretty xD) or pretty much anything else. (seriously can you imagine a pig containing a small smoke machine and a pre-made porkchop inside of him? or a parrot with a noteblock in his head?)
10/17/2019 10:41 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
I agree completely, but I wanna see the ghast diagram anyway.

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