Do you feel that your content deserves more love?

MCisAwesome95's Avatar MCisAwesome953/7/21 12:00 am
24 emeralds 507 77
3/12/2021 10:19 pm
MCisAwesome95's Avatar MCisAwesome95
Recently I've noticed a large group of people that make high quality content. Their videos, maps, skins, all of those equal in quality and professionalism to famous people with the same content. The only difference is...

Their work goes unnoticed.

They have very few subscribers and followers, next to no views, nothing. Yet their content wows the few people, like me, who do get the chance to see what they've made.

I feel like one of them, personally.

I work hard to create quality content for the community, and it takes a month to reach 15 views on a skin. The same thing happens with my programming profile on Scratch, I work long hours on a game that follows a different topic and game play each time so multiple people can find at least one game they like. 2 views. It's disappointing.

I don't want others feeling the same way. I want people who create quality content to get the credit and fans they deserve, so I'm starting a thing.

This thing will be a daily post in this thread. And in this post will be a link to a person who I feel deserves more than they're getting.

So come one, come all! That map you worked on for hours? That how-to video that you devoted your homework time to create? That skin that took weeks of practice to whittle down to perfection? The same quality content that gets made and released to the whole world, overlooked by those who stick with one favorite creator?

No more!

Come to this thread and introduce yourself. Leave links to your alternate accounts on other websites and your favorite creations. Chat with other people that suffer the same fate as you. Find friends and collab to create something beautiful. Help literally everyone on this thread and across the world by simply loving and favoriting this thread. The more attention it gets, the more likely this thread gets featured on PMC and other sites across the globe, gathering hundreds of people to a place where they can be appreciated!

I look forward to meeting you all, and if you do get featured here, congrats!


Posted by MCisAwesome95's Avatar
Level 29 : Expert Miner

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03/12/2021 4:50 pm
Level 46 : Master Wizard
124c41's Avatar
Truth be told if your content has high desire rate you'll get your views and likes or what ever. You can be the greatest skin maker in the world or whatever it doesnt matter if the demand for it isnt there. Just do what you like and if others like it too then great. Dont be sour if others dont notice, just keep on keepin on and enjoy the ride if fame comes your way.

Do it for your own love of it and with practice and imagination youll get better and better.

I've been on PMc for more than 8 years but have posted very little except for recent. I enjoy what im doing and if it gets attention then cool. If not then atleast i enjoyed it while it lasted. If you dont enjoy it first it typically will show in what ever you are doing.

We cant all be Leonardo De Vinci, but sometimes in the right place at the right time a picaso can still make it to fame too.
03/12/2021 10:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
Very wise words :)
03/12/2021 4:39 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
DrAtuti's Avatar
Here you go, I guess. https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/uzhdansk-a-russian-city/

The map is nowhere near completion so I can see why people might not be interested.
03/12/2021 10:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
I'm sure everyone will enjoy checking for updates and seeing what's new :)
kianna naran
03/12/2021 2:31 am
Level 39 : Artisan Cookie
kianna naran's Avatar
03/12/2021 4:32 pm
Level 46 : Master Wizard
124c41's Avatar
I'm confused at this response. People just want to be loved. Whats wrong with that?
03/11/2021 6:28 pm
She/Her • Level 40 : Master Vampire Necromancer
TW15T3D5H4D0W's Avatar
I thought I was pretty good at skinning for a beginner, but my builds may or may not be another story. Here's my gallery. Sure it's mostly contest/event entries, the vast majority of which only got participation, but maybe you'll find something you like in here.
03/11/2021 4:56 pm
Level 28 : Expert Artist
AccurateJaney's Avatar
I've only posted 2 texture packs so far, but I noticed the simpler of my packs (Bars instead of hearts on the GUI) got more attention, probably because it appealed to more people.
Emerald Distributer
03/11/2021 5:36 pm
Level 49 : Master Button Pusher
Emerald Distributer's Avatar
Can I get the link? I think i would like your texture pack
03/12/2021 2:22 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
AccurateJaney's Avatar
Emerald Distributer
03/12/2021 3:43 pm
Level 49 : Master Button Pusher
Emerald Distributer's Avatar
I like it.But I lost 5 Million brain cells trying to figure out how to import the zip file to my mcpe.
Emerald Distributer
03/11/2021 4:21 pm
Level 49 : Master Button Pusher
Emerald Distributer's Avatar
Hey I want to level up! Also come visit these links! I made a nice pizzeria that toke me almost 1 week!Barely anyone Checked it out.It only has a few downloads but no comments. :(


03/11/2021 4:36 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll level up very soon now that you've shared some content! I'll check them out :)
Emerald Distributer
03/11/2021 4:38 pm
Level 49 : Master Button Pusher
Emerald Distributer's Avatar
03/11/2021 4:12 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Botanist
SirMephistoPheles666's Avatar
The whole popularity thing is dependent on several aspects. One main aspect is that you should think like it is marketing. Try to advertise your content with flashy titles that don't deviate too much from reality. Catch names that push a nail in ones head and they'll keep thinking about "What could this "xy" be?". Since there are lots of Minecraft content everywhere people can be too picky, lazy, comfortable thus resulting in searching, opening and downloading content that lures them in instead of checking curious quality content and coming to admire them. Like flashy ads in the TV / on the internet. Take a look at my old account that I made and used when I was way younger about 14-15 years old. I've got a load of views, diamonds, hearts and downloads that I don't feel like I deserved at all but since I made sure to follow the above mentioned marketing principle it just worked. In fact I grew so tired of making this repeated process again and again that I gave up on my account and started anew a month ago with this account. I still stick to this well-established method of marketing, advertising with flashy titles, catchy names and cover images and I grow fast while trying to make unique and quality content like my own data packs. There are about 7.6 billion people in the world. Most of their efforts and feats will go unnoticed at large, however there always will be people who'll stand out of the crowd with the same amount of effort and work thanks to luck, creativity or just good, simple marketing.
03/11/2021 5:55 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Network
KustiD's Avatar
That was inspiring!
03/11/2021 6:01 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Botanist
SirMephistoPheles666's Avatar
Glad you liked it :)
03/11/2021 4:39 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
Huh, I never thought about it that way. Sure, I try to release maps around the time that everyone would be looking for one, and I publish games when a certain genre is being featured, but I'm that kind of person that wants to give my games complex and complicated titles. Perhaps messing around with the title may help...

That is great advice, thank you! :)
03/11/2021 4:50 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Botanist
SirMephistoPheles666's Avatar
No problem. It's your content and you, only you can decide how and in what manner you wish to release them. I'm glad to help.
03/09/2021 11:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
MrYoloTheLegend's Avatar
I feel the same way! I work upwards of months on my scratch projects (kakis94) and I get less than ten views. I honestly think its just a matter of publicity and if you make something based on something popular or trending.
03/10/2021 12:48 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
One of my most popular projects is called "Animations," something that a friend of mine made and asked to publish. We both agree that it's pretty bad quality, yet it's popular. I believe it's because it's named "animations," something that people are going to be searching for all the time. My only issue is that I strive to use complicated words and long titles, resulting in my projects getting very few views. It's a strange and somewhat broken system...
03/10/2021 2:21 am
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
MrYoloTheLegend's Avatar
Agreed. I don't even use scratch anymore much. Not only is it too simplistic, it's very limited in its programming and performance capabilities.
03/11/2021 12:10 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
I still use it after four years because it's very familiar to me, I know my way around pretty much everything. I'm no programming legend but I've made games like my Sandbox platformer with a working save code, (Personally one of my favorite projects of mine, I'm quite proud of myself on that one :) I'm comfortable using it. It has it's flaws and limitations, but it's not too restraining and people have come up with creative ways to create cloud multiplayer and savable video games, I just quite like using it. Not that I don't plan to upgrade my skills and learn a new language though; I'm hoping to try out Unity 3D and make some 3d games and learn Java. Putting them all together, I'm confident I can create something ridiculous and entertaining :D
03/09/2021 10:46 pm
Level 1 : New Crewmate
calabasas's Avatar
i think i get too much attention cuz there are others with better maps that are less popular :(
03/10/2021 12:50 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
Maybe you can fix that by helping out others on this thread? Give them advice and feedback! Maybe you could even collab with someone. If you're well-known on PMC, whoever you feature or collab with will get the same amount of attention :)
Minecraft Maniac X
03/09/2021 4:44 pm
Level 43 : Master Herobrine
Minecraft Maniac X's Avatar
Hey MCisAwesome95! whats your scratch account? I wanna check it out
03/10/2021 12:50 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
My username is Chucky_Chicken. Hope you enjoy my games :)
03/09/2021 4:10 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
green_subway's Avatar
ive been making better skins lately and people love it.
03/10/2021 12:52 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
Hopefully people can take notes on your skins, your content may help them out :)
03/09/2021 3:57 pm
Any/All • Level 49 : Master Artist Procrastinator
Mxple_Starz's Avatar
If i'm honest, I make skins in a matter of hours, like my dark depths entry, that only took 3 hours, yet it has 32 views. I mean no downloads, but who wants to looks sad in the entirety of a play through. I feel like I'm getting more than I really deserve, with my effortless mess. I feel bad that crap content like mine are actually more popular than the top notch quality content.
I have a reshade contest, intentionally bad because its a reshade contest, it has 62 views. (2 are participating) THAT ONE TOOK 3 MINUTES
03/10/2021 2:04 am
Level 28 : Expert Toast
ImBread's Avatar
oh your saying that your actually getting more attention then you think you deserve? huh, interesting :D
03/11/2021 3:50 pm
Any/All • Level 49 : Master Artist Procrastinator
Mxple_Starz's Avatar
I actually don't like it. I started five days ago and now I'm lagging because too many notifs
I had plans on being an an eh person. I am whatsoever not used to notif spam because I usually go unnoticed
03/10/2021 12:55 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
My dark depths entry took around 2 hours, I'm pretty proud of it and would love to see it win, but I don't high hopes seeing it with only 4 diamonds. Someone just gave me a little advice that may help, but I'm still not reassured. I hope you and anyone else here has better luck than I'm having :(
03/09/2021 3:37 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Button Pusher
-July-'s Avatar
I worked for hours on a skin that got 0 downloads
03/10/2021 12:56 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
You can share a link to that skin, maybe someone here will like it! :)
03/09/2021 1:26 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
coffeebug's Avatar
Nah. My stuff's cool, I just never upload anything.
My tip for you: be unique. That's it.
03/10/2021 12:59 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
Most of my recent skins aren't unique, and with good reason; it takes ridiculously long to think of something original. I can't find inspiration, but I'm trying my best to think of something. Do you have anything to show me? Maybe they'll give me an idea or something!
03/09/2021 2:58 pm
Level 28 : Expert Toast
ImBread's Avatar
03/09/2021 10:37 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
FlizAltiya's Avatar
Keep striving to make everything you make better than the last,
Push your boundaries at every turn you can, and expand them only to push them again,
Hit the world with something that you and only you can make,
And one day, people will take note of your name.
03/10/2021 12:59 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
That's really clever advice, thank you :)
03/08/2021 6:42 pm
Level 44 : Master Giraffe
TheFallenPie's Avatar
I feel this with a lot of things, actually. Most things I do.

Let's start with the Minecraft Based version.

Pixelmon Project

I've been working on this project for the past 4-5 years now and I keep getting more and more proud of it. Yet, I feel like, even though it does get quite a bit of traction, that it still isn't quite up to par with what I would hope. And sure, it's not released yet and that would make the biggest impact ofcourse. However it would give a lot more motivation to have people actually notice it and give it some hype/love, so I can feel good about it again. I've been on/off on this project so many times now just because I can get really into it or I can just be sick of it for months on end, leaving me with a really hard time to get back into it as it's such a big project.

The project I'm talking about is my Pixelmon Kainite project, A Minecraft Adventure Map made for the Pixelmon mod, It is it's own Region and plays out like a full on Pokemon Game. With Badges to collect, a story to follow and every Pokemon up until gen 8 can be found within. Special events and a full on OST, literally just a Pokemon Game within Minecraft.

All links to the media are linked here:


I've made a map like this once before, it got quite some attention and that made me to make this map, wanting it to make it the best I could, where the previous one was really rushed and plain, hard to get through as it was just boring, really. So I wanted this to redeem all the mistakes the old one had, and make it something I was genuinely proud to present. But as stated before, I sometimes lack motivation as I feel like it's just not getting enough attention for all the effort I've put in so far.

I've made several teaser video's and trailers on a separate channel purely made to present this and maybe future maps. I've put a lot of effort into those too, some more than others, and you can see big improvements throughout them all too, and where they do get some views that I can be happy with, I still only got 32 subs from it and I just wished that would be a bit more too, so I could actually use that channel to promote it instead of just having it there to link it in different places.

I've also really tried to promote the Discord server as that's become my main way of showing progress and teasers of the project and it does have quite some members in it after all this time but it's really inactive, most of the accounts are dead accounts (no longer in use), and people come and go. I'd love for people to speculate a bit as I do like to tease things a lot without context, to see if people can lay links between them but that's me asking a lot of people that just check for something to play.

I do really appreciate all the nice comments and overwhelmingly positive feedback I have gotten over these years but it's very minimal, they do still keep me going, however. I really want this project to be done as soon as possible as it's already been in the works for so long, it's just hard at times.


Since 2010 I've started making Video's on YouTube. And I completely get that I didn't get many views or subs at all in the first 5 years as it was REALLY BAD, but since 2016 I feel like I've actually started making much more interesting video's, while still Dutch at first I've started making English content since 2017, and never got much recognition of it. I used to make all sorts of content which I later understood was hard for people to watch as they mostly come for one game each, so I later just based my entire channel off of Dead by Daylight, the game I've played most by far in the past 4 years.

To make things so much worse, I had made a few memes a few years back who got a lot of attention (650k-200k views each), which got me a lot of subs too but they all immediately unsub as soon as they see my channel isn't actually based on memes so my statistics really went down the drain for so long, making it really hard for me to even be recommended to others. 

I really started to make proper video's in around 2018-2019 where I put in all my effort to make video's I actually enjoyed myself. But seeing as how it got no real attention I kind of backed out from making anything, with a total of 2 videos in the entirety of 2020.

A shit ton of backed up clips to work with, but just not knowing what to do with them. Waiting so long till the clips are literally irrelevant and just getting so lost and demotivated in what to do, stressing out about that while also completely giving up. I really enjoy editing, or at least I did. I can't really say that now as I haven't touched anything in so long. It's been rough for so long and I just kind of gave up?

I still look at my channel every so often and just notice more unsubs and it just drains my motivation more and more, and I get that people unsub because I don't upload but with every upload I make I just lose more subs than I gain. Putting in hours of work for about 50 average views and a few unsubs.

Here's a link to the channel:



I've recently started streaming, which was originally meant for just to be something on the side of making videos, though it went so well at first, I realy enjoyed it and almost streamed nearly daily. Got affiliate pretty quickly too. I just struggle alot lately, after I hit 100 followers I haven't really gained any, and that's about 2 months ago now. Every stream I do I barely get any new viewers, I have some active viewers and I treasure those a lot but it would ofcourse be nice to see some more people instead of just playing for the same 2-3 people. And not to be rude or anything but, some viewers I have are just not really the ones you can hold a conversation with for hours on end, and sometimes they are just the only ones there and it's just not as fun.

I tried switching up the game too, though it was a singleplayer game and there's no real people in game you meet that could possibly come watch, I did actually get a decent amount of viewers, much more than my average stream, but none of them talked in chat, which is about the same as having no viewers in my mind. Might as well be a bugged number, right? I haven't streamed much in the past 2 weeks, if at all as I just had a hard time getting back into it after a few "bad" streams, but I'll still stream every so often.

Here's the link to my Channel, would love to see some more people pop in sometime.

03/09/2021 3:56 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
MCisAwesome95's Avatar
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully if this thread gets featured someone will find this post and check out your work, I'm sure of it ;)
03/08/2021 7:12 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
03/08/2021 7:14 pm
Level 1 : New System
cries's Avatar
03/08/2021 5:30 pm
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03/09/2021 1:40 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Nihachu's Avatar
LMAO did you really report my message? xd i just thought that what you said should have gone into another thread, not this one at all

as i literally said "(I didn't mean this in any hate way, I just felt that you made no sense or even reason talking about your YouTube channel in this thread)"

Actually, I never even said anything bad about you or your youtube channel... interesting
03/09/2021 10:26 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Nihachu's Avatar
You literally just talked about your YouTube channel, and why it was doing bad. and YouTube is literally nothing like PMC. When you post something on PMC, It will always come up as first, so everyone can see it, and if it doesn't get a lot of views or downloads, that means people saw it, but thought it was trash and not interesting. On YouTube, not everyone sees your videos, so it wasn't even your fault for not getting any views in the first place. YouTube isn't even close to PMC. You can make the best thumbnails, titles and everything, but on YouTube it will only get like a few views if your just starting out, but on PMC a really good thumbnail and title will get lots of views because everyone sees it. So you basically made no sense talking about your YouTube channel as it was no connection to PMC at all basically. And "Issues such as, syncing game and mic audio are more common than you might think (on a side note, learning how to record multiple audio tracks in obs is a time saver)." literally has NOTHING to do with any of this, your just ranting on how hard YouTube is to make us more interested in your YouTube channel so we could go and check it out. When you said "Sharing your content through social media is also important. Finding groups and places specific to the type of content you make, is what helps get you the initial help you need to get your content fine tuned to a wider audience.", Yea, I can understand that, doing that it really helpful and smart, but like that's the only thing that even remotely made a connection between your YouTube channel and PMC. I just feel like you said all this so people could go and check out your YouTube channel and feel bad for you honestly. Anyways, good luck on your YouTube channel I guess, but next time, actually talk about something people can actually relate to on PMC, thanks.

(I didn't mean this in any hate way, I just felt that you made no sense or even reason talking about your YouTube channel in this thread)
03/09/2021 12:17 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
03/09/2021 1:13 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Nihachu's Avatar
hm, alright, I just think this wasnt the right thread to post "YouTube tips" or whatever you were trying to say, you know?
03/08/2021 6:33 pm
Level 28 : Expert Toast
ImBread's Avatar
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