Moderator's Censorship

xBlazeTECH's Avatar xBlazeTECH5/2/13 8:47 pm
5/2/2013 9:43 pm
Palaeos's Avatar Palaeos
Hello everyone, I would just like to say right off the bat, that I am not going to rage on anyone, I am just expressing my concerns with the conduct of the moderators. I am not going to pretend that I have any influence on the staff, but I would like the staff to at least consider what I say. Additionally, I would like everyone who replies to this thread to be mature about it. Thanks!

My concern is with the Censorship of the moderators, and admins of the forums. I would like it if when I were to make a post, I could be assured that the post would not be altered in any way. I understand that there are some circumstances where the moderators and administrators must -snip- out some of the text, or all of the text of a thread, but I very much dislike when a moderator manipulates what a user says into something to get back at the user. I am only going to refer to one case. In this instance, the person was raging at a staff member, but I still believe that words should not be put in someone else's mouth: http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/topic-t249798.html. This was a very long post about how the person has gotten his mods banned many times. I understand that what he did was completely disrespectful, but I also believe that every person has the right to not have words put in their mouth. This is just my opinion, please take it for what it is, and nothing more, and remember to read the top section again before posting a reply.
Posted by xBlazeTECH's Avatar
Level 14 : Journeyman Network

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05/02/2013 8:54 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
xBlazeTechHello everyone, I would just like to say right off the bat, that I am -snip- going to rage on -snip- the moderators. -snip- I have -snip- influence on the staff, ...

Sorry, I had to; it was inevitable.

But in all seriousness, I prefer that they censor the swearing, as that has no place on a site like this. However, moderators manipulating what people say in their posts is uncalled for.

Note that I'm not on staff and that up there is a quote, not someone's post.
05/02/2013 8:56 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
The involved moderator should certainly have left the 'mark as edited' box ticked.

Not to-do so is very decitful indeed. But remember; moderators are people and they like us make little mistakes.

Another moderator is always the best place to-go as they have more or less equal rights and will be able to discern the editor.
05/02/2013 8:57 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
macgarthur's Avatar
I don't understand, so he submitted a mod, it was removed, so he got angry?

Can you point out the mod abuse or censorship. If the censorship was getting the thread locked I tend to agree with the moderators in this case. If the censorship was censoring out swear words again I'll have to agree, however they should have made it open knowledge that they edited the post.
05/02/2013 8:57 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
-Kali-'s Avatar
Just saying, but Cyprezz and the Super Moderators hand-pick any new moderators.
Also, I heard this in another thread; mods can't snip out or edit ENTIRE thread posts of other people; changing the meaning of it. They can only delete or lock the post

If you really have such annoyance with this, PM Parril or Zaralith and ask
05/02/2013 8:58 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
kevin9yeJust saying, but Cyprezz and the Super Moderators hand-pick any new moderators.
Also, I heard this in another thread; mods can't snip out or edit thread posts of other people. They can only delete or lock the post

Oh, they can. I've seen it in several threads.
05/02/2013 8:59 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
-Kali-'s Avatar
kevin9yeJust saying, but Cyprezz and the Super Moderators hand-pick any new moderators.
Also, I heard this in another thread; mods can't snip out or edit thread posts of other people. They can only delete or lock the post

Oh, they can. I've seen it in several threads.

edited it xD i realized i got it wrong
05/02/2013 9:01 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
kevin9yeedited it xD i realized i got it wrong

Ah, that makes more sense.
05/02/2013 9:06 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
SilverKytten's Avatar
I broke the rules and am really outraged that a moderator did his job and therefore am accusing them of not actually doing their job and I must have been targeted.

Is this really what you're talking about?

That's not "putting words into his mouth" or "turning what he said against him."

That's just shortening what he said into a well put-together, swear-free sentence. -.-
05/02/2013 9:07 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
I personally only edit a post when there is flaming, swearing, or something completely inappropriate being said. That and sometimes I will edit posts where someone's image is too large to fit into their post by adding [simg] instead of [img].

I don't know what the thread in question actually said, so I cannot say whether is was a warranted edit or not. Threads of that sort are, however, against our site rules and (though I understand this person may have had a legitimate compaint) was more than likely a ragey post claiming mod abuse that it was removed, instead of PMing the staff member that removed it. As the edited message states, that is pretty much how we all view those threads. If people want us to take them seriously, not making those threads and sending a PM instead is a great way to start.
05/02/2013 9:09 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
socksmusicalcat's Avatar
My stance is that they're in charge and can do what they want. We're using this site as a free service, so if you don't like what the mods do, the other Minecraft forum is here, and the Minecraft Reddit is here.
05/02/2013 9:10 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
SilverKytten's Avatar
Aziewas more than likely a ragey post claiming mod abuse that it was removed, instead of PMing the staff member that removed it.

That's exactly what it was. Nearly 90% caps, swearing, and hating on the moderator who took it down. (His mod, that is)
Another one of those "Well, I don't see you banning anyone else's mods, so why do you have to ban mine?" complaints.
05/02/2013 9:11 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
Typically we do not edit general posts, because we shouldn't. The rules do say to not post threads disputing a moderator's decision, and I was accurately paraphrasing his post in that edit as I locked the thread.

The OP of the thread was effectively saying we only removed his and we never remove anything else, because many users whose posts are removed either legitimately think that, or try to make us think that is their belief.

All I was doing was making his post less abusive, and less all caps spammy. I don't like all caps spammy.
05/02/2013 9:17 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Quaellen_Wins's Avatar
Frankly, i agree. Moderators should not have the right to censor, unless it is blatantly needed like "holy **** look at that ******* **** holy ****!"

Knowing that this is a private entity with the capabilty to revoke your constitutional rights pisses me off.

Anything but spam, caps, excessive hate and excessive cursing should not be censored.

PMC Is going through a quiet revolution right now.

Also, it's human nature to have disrespect for others, you cant deny people their right to be human.

ALSO, im tired of the excessive locking of complaint threads, people should have their right to say what they want here. It's a social networking site.
05/02/2013 9:21 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
I think we've ventured away from the central topic here.

It doesn't matter how much of a noob he was, or how gently the moderator changed his post.

What matters is that the moderator did not leave an 'edited by' or any other evidence to show that the post was modified.

In this circumstance the Mod in question really did put words in his mouth; becase others will see the post and have to assume it was written by the OP.. Which it was not.

And it certainly doesn't matter if the mods are personal friends with the sites owner; where as users are just receiving a free service... No-one has the right to falsify another's statements... Remove them sure.. Leave a witty response there sure.. But never ever change someones words without making it very clear that you have done so... And thats nothing to do with moderation, that goes for everyone everywhere.

Obviously in this case it's academic becase the post had clearly been modified... But the 'exited by' should be left in for those cases where it may not be so apparent.
05/02/2013 9:22 pm
Level 24 : Expert Network
i see you -_-
05/02/2013 9:26 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
Quaellen_WinsALSO, im tired of the excessive locking of complaint threads, people should have their right to say what they want here. It's a social networking site.

The rules outright say to not post them, they post them anyways. If they have a dispute with a mod, it is taken up in private, if they made a mistake they will fix it, many people who PM a mod over their submissions being removed are disrespectful and constantly break the general rules on posting as it is because they are not getting their way because they broke the rules.

Its one thing to dislike a mods decision, and another to ignore the rules and then reply to being punished for it by ignoring the rules. We get most people who break the rules probably either don't like us or our decision, but if they wish to use the site they must follow the rules.
05/02/2013 9:27 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
xBlazeTECH's Avatar
Thank you everyone for your opinions, especially the staff. This has offered me some insight into other people's views on this issue. I would also like to say, that censoring is not as much what I was talking about, contradictory to the thread title, but more of the substituting in words for people. I agree that there are many situations that deem it necessary for a staff member to REMOVE the questionable post, but I dislike when moderators just deceitfully edit it without saying it was edited. I want to assure everyone that this was just my opinions and that the staff does their absolute best for the users, and if that means banning some, and censoring others, so be it. I would like to thank the staff for all they do to keep the site up and running, and I know how difficult that is and how much that entails for a small group of people, but I cannot even fathom how much work must be put into a website like this to keep the server clean. I would also like to remind everyone that there is a report button for every post and you can make the staff's job easier by reporting offensive, or violating posts. Thank you everyone!
05/02/2013 9:30 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
Honestly I feel paraphrasing a post rather than outright deleting the thread and banning as our rules clearly say we will do, not that most people who make those threads read them to begin with anyways. Though since you guys seem to feel strongly against paraphrasing or enforcing of rules I'll just stop paraphrasing, rule enforcement tho, that's still a thing.
05/02/2013 9:34 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
SilverKytten's Avatar
There's nothing wrong with paraphrasing.

Yeah, so he forgot to tick the "show edits" box - So what? Is it really that big of a deal? Anyone who reads it is going to know it's been edited, if they have half a brain.

Would you rather the forum be constantly spammed by swears and caps and all-around stupidity, or have those posts edited to make them less threatening/abusive? That's what it really comes down to, people.
05/02/2013 9:37 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
PalaeosThough since you guys seem to feel strongly against paraphrasing or enforcing of rules I'll just stop paraphrasing, rule enforcement tho, that's still a thing.

If you read the thread slower you'll see no-one has mentioned rephrasing without explicitly mentioning the 'edited by' button.

We're happy for you guys to change what we say, just don't do it behind the community's back.
05/02/2013 9:42 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
SilverKytten's Avatar
RevolutionalRedStonejust don't do it behind the community's back.


You do realize how busy the moderators are, on a daily basis, right? Forgetting to hit the edit box isn't being "deceitful," or "going behind the communities back."

It's just forgetfulness. Nothing more. If you step back, and take a look at what you're actually saying, you'll realize you're making a fuss over something that means absolutely nothing.
05/02/2013 9:43 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
PalaeosThough since you guys seem to feel strongly against paraphrasing or enforcing of rules I'll just stop paraphrasing, rule enforcement tho, that's still a thing.

If you read the thread slower you'll see no-one has mentioned rephrasing without explicitly mentioning the 'edited by' button.

We're happy for you guys to change what we say, just don't do it behind the community's back.

See quaellen_wins' post for a post that does not mention edited by, just that he does not like that we have the right and ability to edit posts.

Honestly I did forget to put an edit reason, but at best I'd probably still have people mad at me over it, either way meh, I'm over the paraphrasing, I'll keep it to -snip- when editing out stuff and leave the paraphrasing for TL;DR and/or catching another person up.
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