Coding Club Learning's Avatar
Simply put, this is going to be a public way to post commands, datapacks and texture packs, while getting help from the community!
  • About

    Again, this group will be a way for new people to learn datapacking, texture changes, and tomfoolery with other minecraft commands.

    This is also gonna be a safe, fun way to show off your commands, datapacks, redstone (I'm a redstone-y person!), and texture packs!

    For example:

    Have you ever wanted to shoot a beacon up when an arrow hit the ground? It's actually pretty easy!

    Have you ever wanted to make a nether portal that can get you to 4 different spots based on where you walk in? Command blocks allow for this!

    Have you ever wanted to send a friend to y=348253 with the help of creepers? Do-able with one command.

    Have you been reading these in an announcer voice? Neither have I!

    Please consider joining, if anything else just to help others see this.

    Have yourself an epic day!
  • Group Members

    Jay_playz2019's Avatar
  • Wall Posts

    • Coding Club - Learning's Avatar
      Coding Club - Learning post by Jay_playz2019's Avatar Jay_playz2019
      February 1, 2022, 9:59 am to Public
      Another one of the commands from the "ad" is here!

      It's the creeper one.....

      execute at //Playername// run summon minecraft:creeper ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:0, Powered:1}

      put this in a repeating command block and set to always powered.

      (If this doesn't work, say execute as playername, not at.)
    • Coding Club - Learning's Avatar
      Coding Club - Learning post by Jay_playz2019's Avatar Jay_playz2019
      January 26, 2022, 8:25 pm to Public
      Here's one of the commands I mentioned in the "advertisement", being the arrow beacon.

      Put both commands in a repeating command block, then power them:
      1: execute as @e[type=arrow,distance=..10] run tag @s add smoke

      2: execute as @e[type=arrow,tag=smoke] run execute at @e[type=minecraft:arrow,tag=smoke,nbt={inGround:1b}] run particle minecraft:composter ~ ~1 ~ 0.1 45 0.1 0 200 force @a

      This will shoot a green beacon up in the air when the arrow hits the ground. Pick it up to stop this effect.

      this can also be used in many OTHER ways. The first command is needed for all of them. (I call it the base command for a good reason!)


      execute as @e[type=arrow,tag=smoke] run execute at @e[type=minecraft:arrow,tag=smoke,nbt={inGround:1b}] run particle minecraft:sneeze ~ ~1 ~ 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 30 force @a[distance=..5]


      execute as @e[type=arrow,tag=smoke] run execute at @e[type=minecraft:arrow,tag=smoke,nbt={inGround:1b}] run effect give @a[distance=..2] minecraft:instant_damage 1 0 false

      this allows for a poison like effect. It does instant damage because without it, it gives it to you way too fast to even take damage at all.

      It ALSO works with sounds. need I say more?

      execute as @e[type=arrow,tag=smoke] run execute at @e[type=minecraft:arrow,tag=smoke,nbt={inGround:1b}] run execute at @s run playsound minecraft:entity.wither.death master @p .

      Good luck annoying people!
      Silabear replied to Jay_playz2019's comment below 2022-01-27 10:49:26
      Silabear's Avatar
      Jay_playz2019 replied to Silabear's comment below 2022-01-27 09:20:22
      Jay_playz2019's Avatar
      Yeah, but I threw these together, probably typo'd and then just went with it. it works, so I'm happy.
      Silabear said 2022-01-27 02:43:57
      Silabear's Avatar
      Surely, for the first command, you would need at @s? Also, these commands are very disorganised, for example the last command just needs to be execute at @e[​type=arrow,tag=smoke,nbt={inGround:1b}] run playsound . . .
    • Coding Club - Learning's Avatar
      Coding Club - Learning post by Jay_playz2019's Avatar Jay_playz2019
      January 26, 2022, 4:41 pm to Public
      Welcome to the coding club! post commands and stuff here, and also feel free to ask for help!
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