Ranked 30th for To The Stars Project Contest
with a score of 14.800 out of 30 from 10 ratings.
Criteria | Ranked | Score* | Raw Score | Max |
Concept & Originality | 29th | 5.200 | 5.200 | 10 |
Technique & Execution | 35th | 4.600 | 4.600 | 10 |
Presentation | 31st | 5.000 | 5.000 | 10 |
Overall Score | 30th | 14.800 | 14.800 | 30 |
Entered into Arctic Creatures Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.Entered into Minecraft Survival Games : Arena Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.Entered into Original God & Goddesses Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.