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  • About

    Hi, I'm Apollo!

    I make mods and datapacks, with a specialty in world generation. Most of my projects are on Modrinth.
  • Apollo's Worldgen Tech Demos

    Mountain Ranges [Tech Demo]
    Underground Rivers [Tech Demo]
    Desert Dunes and Smoother Terrain [Tech Demo]
    Nether Below [Tech Demo]
    Flowing Rivers [Tech Demo]
    Greater Heights [Tech Demo]
    The Depths [Tech Demo]
    Intricate Trees [Tech Demo]
  • Wall Posts

    • Apollo404
      October 8, 2024, 2:08 pm to Public
      This is going to be rather rambly, sorry about that
      As of when I am posting this, October 8th, it's the two year anniversary of Tectonic's release. Two years, five hundred hours of work and a full rewrite later, it's sitting at well over six and a half million downloads.

      I have a strange relationship with this project.

      On one hand, on a design standpoint I thoroughly dislike it. Mountain ranges are inconsistently generated and a very high render distance and/or Distant Horizons is needed to fully appreciate them. Underground rivers, while cool, have some very cursed generation and are overall pretty uninspired. Terrain shaping outside of mountain ranges is incredibly barebones and boring. The staircasing/"lerp" terrain is actually rather good for Minecraft and the removal of it is off-putting. The land-ocean distribution is just embarrassing.

      On the other hand, I can't bring myself to actually hate it. It's my brainchild, the cultivation of all my terrain generation experience up to and beyond its release. I've learned a lot about modding from creating and maintaining it. It's also very likely going to be my legacy; there's clearly a lot of people who like it, I see people talking about it frequently in discord and on youtube. There's what, six AHS videos that mention it now?

      I'll end off with this: thank you. Thanks to Misode, Jacobsjo and Starmute, whose knowledge and tools brought me to being able to understand worldgen on the level I do now. Thanks to the acquaintances in the Stardust Labs discord who watched as Tectonic was brought into existence and helped spread the word in the early days. Thanks to my friends throughout the last two years who helped keep me sane while trying to maintain this growing behemoth of a project. Thanks to the content creators who extended the reach of this mod further than I could through word of mouth on Discord. Thanks to whoever's downloaded Tectonic, created worlds with it, gotten cool screenshots with it.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

      Tectonic isn't done quite yet. I have some plans for future content and even some early prototypes, but until I know it'll make it to a release I'll keep the details to myself. Until then, I shall return to my work on Tectonic and other projects.

      - Apollo
      blank3times2024-10-08 14:49:54
      You've done so many cool demo stuff so thank you for demonstrating possibilities
    • Apollo404
      March 19, 2024, 12:18 am to Public
    • Apollo404
      December 29, 2023, 7:08 am to Public
      i could do worldgen
      or i can be sane
      it's a hard decision as the two are mutually exclusive
    • Apollo404
      November 24, 2023, 7:00 pm to Public
      Level 64, thats a whole stack
    • Apollo404
      November 8, 2023, 11:15 pm to Public
      CaptainSparklez posting two videos on Nether Below was not something I expected to see this week but here we are
      Adrestio2023-11-09 02:19:24
      Hell yeah!
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