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Level 34
Artisan Narwhal

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  • Tirion - AMAN
    Complex Map
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    Divici's Avatar Divici 2/23/22 3:44 • posted 2/6/22 4:56
  • Jetra's Avatar
    February 20, 2022, 9:35 am to Public
    Decided to take a break from my world to play some Alpha 1.0.1 and a few moments into my new world stumble across an amazing find https://prnt.sc/U7JFslT6SU-1

    I had a blog idea about this concerning "Rose-Tinted Glasses and Nostalgia," but I don't think it would be a good topic that I can talk about that hasn't been beaten to death by various other communities. My belief is that video games have long since been a hobby and become more akin to a job. Add to the almost rocket-like rise in NFTs only further solidifies my stance.

    Not to say everyone only plays video games as a job, but these days more play them simply because it's mainstream, it's an obligation if you aren't up to date with the latest titles and DLCs. If you want to hear more, maybe I'll expand on this. For now, it's going to remain one of my wandering thoughts.
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews Campestral
    Interview Blog
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 2/18/22 12:01
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews mshailz
    Interview Blog
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 2/11/22 12:00
  • Jetra's Avatar
    February 10, 2022, 10:12 am to Public
    Miners and Crafters, today is a wonderful day for the life of my SSP world. After many trials and tributes, after so many hours of digging through the dirt in search of that last item of Legend, I am happy to announce


    Protected by a Skeleton Spawner of course. Now that I have this in my possession, I am now in search of ideas how to best display this magnificent artifact. All of this was done on HARD difficulty which makes finding this even sweeter. The only things left for me to collect are the Green and Gold disks which will be easy enough to find as I can try to heard some creepers and skeletons together.

    Ten years, several hundred, maybe even a few thousand, hours of playing has finally paid off. I can now finally put the Version to rest.

    Edit: Forgot to mention this, but the funniest part of this was that I found it in what I deemed the area "Mine #11." I didn't think about the record when I typed it out, it actually was a random number. Goes to show how lucky 11 is now.
  • Jetra's Avatar
    February 9, 2022, 11:44 am to Public
    I have finally begun something that should have been my first project from the start. A historical biography of my world that will be the thing that keeps my world from being deleted and to give me motivation to move on even if I ever lose a stack of diamonds. My plan for 10 years of Minecraft was to make something that wasn't a blog, to create something magical, and to show how much I enjoy the game despite the massive burnout.


    I won't say anymore nor do I know how long it will be. My hope is that it will span hundreds of tomes that will relate my thoughts and feelings on the game as a whole. It will also be a testament of why I play video games, this is going to not only be a message to you, but me as well as I suffer from confidence issues to this day. Hopefully no creeper will blow this up yet given my track record, this is probably going to happen at some point.

    Before that, though, I will probably upload my world as soon as I get maybe 50 slabs in. By that point, I hope to fill my SSP with many different things both from the community as well as my own creations even if they are terrible.
  • Jetra's Avatar
    February 8, 2022, 11:26 pm to Public
    So, question, if I upload a personal SSP world and make stuff that other people made by hand (I'm doing re-creations from the old forums), does that count as plagiarism? I wouldn't be uploading just that, but rather it would contain copied works without the use of an Editor.

    An example is this


    which is a rough translation from


    Will post a bunch of signs with links and original people so it's not like I'm claiming them for my own. I just wanted to have some design ideas and fill my world with interesting things that aren't just a couple of wood boxes and random paths. I am not the first nor last to admit that I am as creative as a potato so using these to challenge myself and breaking out of the habit of being a horrible OCD perfectionist.
  • Tolkien stuff
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    Divici 02/06/22 • posted 01/19/16
  • Jetra's Avatar
    February 6, 2022, 1:07 pm to Public
    Can't find a gold apple, but got another rarity in my 587th world in Alpha 1.2.4 (keep restarting because perfectionist tendencies still get the better of me. This means I have valuables like clay / diamonds after traveling hundreds of blocks away, dying, and forgetting where I was because I played a few days ago and have the memory of Dory from Finding Nemo)

    Hopefully I can keep this one, trying desperately not to be stupid but it is calling for me.

  • Marketable Rex Plushie
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    Zornie's Avatar Zornie 1/28/22 1:23
  • Void
    Survival Friendly Banner
    Zornie 01/28/22 • posted 01/28/22
  • Villinhal Flag
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    Zornie 01/28/22
  • Marketable Plushies
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    Zornie 01/28/22 • posted 02/10/15
  • Marketable Blear Plushie
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    Zornie's Avatar Zornie 1/27/22 5:24
  • Marketable Zornie Plushie
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    Zornie's Avatar Zornie 1/27/22 11:49
  • Ash's Avatar
    January 18, 2022, 11:09 pm to Public
    Also been sketching (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡

    PandaFrost29 said 2022-01-19 04:08:53
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    I love it!
  • Ash's Avatar
    January 18, 2022, 5:26 pm to Public
    Oh no the furries are at it again 😉

    Ash replied to DaleighChronicle's comment below 2022-01-18 23:06:18
    Ash's Avatar
    DaleighChronicle said 2022-01-18 21:01:20
    DaleighChronicle's Avatar
    Are....are you the furry?
  • PMC's Avatar
    January 15, 2022, 10:47 am to Public

    I also wanted to take this (rare) opportunity to say, I miss you, PMCer's. Back in October when we made this announcement, we thought after a few weeks, maybe at most a month, I would have a little more time and be in a groove with our small human and return to writing the Weekly's and be involved in this wonderful community once again. Turns out, she runs the show and requires basically every second of my time. She's lucky she's cute. 😛 I don't know when I'll start having time to write the newsletter again, but just know that it's always on my mind as are you 💙 Hope you are all doing great and are happy and healthy! Keep creating, playing, and being you!

    Mrs. PMC
    sanra said 2023-08-19 10:13:48
    sanra's Avatar
    Great and informative blog....

    Truck collisions can have serious consequences, Abogados Accidentes de Camiones including serious injuries, property damage, and even death. Unfortunately, truck accidents are not uncommon in Virginia, which has numerous highways and major transportation routes. Both drivers and passengers must be aware of the various types of truck accidents that might occur. We'll look at some of Virginia's most common truck accidents and analyse the risks that each one poses. Furthermore, the advantages of hiring a truck accident lawyer following a truck accident in detail.
    TotallyVeryFree replied to duckely's comment below 2023-01-02 08:21:36
    TotallyVeryFree's Avatar
    You could play together, you first type your kids username in then you add friend her and then every time you want to play with her, just simply go to friends and then and if shes online, just join her world then Done.
    Mafya said 2022-12-24 15:57:44
    Mafya's Avatar
    duckely said 2022-12-21 09:06:50
    duckely's Avatar
    i need help, my daughter has a Xbox and has the bedrock version. i have a pc windows 11 and would like to join her in their server to play. i know i have to purchase Minecraft bedrock. is there any work being done to include other's type of Minecraft games.

    User4408049G replied to Galaxium's comment below 2022-12-18 21:04:35
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