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  • About

    Hiya, I'm Englalonde (formerly Bitumen), I usually create military skins from the trenches of Ypres to the cold, rocky hills of the Falklands.

    Request Information
    I take some requests for skins, go ahead and PM me an idea. Please note that I must be able to access photos of what you want easily.

    I now do customs, however they must be a custom version of a preexisting skin I made, and that excludes the [private-ish] skins. This may be more open to other options in the future. Only time that someone will get a non military custom is when my cousins beg me to make them girl skins again.

    XBOX gamertag: Englalonde

    shout out to my wattz boys
  • Fun Facts

    Literally played pocket edition for 8 years until I finally bothered to buy PC when the price was lowered around $16.

    My two inspirations for making skins were Echoh_ and black_hat.

    I'll have you know I graduated at the top of my class in the US Navy marine airborne ranger infantry medic seals in 1798 and I fought in every war in US History and received 1,000 medals of honor from Winston Churchill when he worked as a bus driver.

    I made my best friends and favorite teachers at school sign a special page in my yearbook that I labelled, 'Les Conventions de Geneve de 2019.'

    I am a Second World War nut if you haven’t already noticed from the sheer amount of WW2 skins present in my submissions.

    I’m the guy who plays Vera Lynn songs on nearly max volume in the house.
  • Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

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  • "We did it before, and we can do it again!"

    Private, Royal West Kent Regiment, France 1940 - Second World War
    NCO, Central India Horse, Italy 1944 - Second World War
    Private, Jewish Infantry Brigade, British Mandatory Palestine 1944 - Second World War
    Private, 7th Armoured Division, Royal Armoured Corps, El Alamein 1944 - Second World War
    Vickers-K Gunner, No. 4 Commando, Normandy 1944 - Second World War
    French Mountain Infantry (Unspecified Unit), 1940 - Second World War
    Private, King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Northern Europe 1945 - Second World War
    Leading Seaman, ‘R’ Royal Navy Commando beach party, Northwestern Europe 1944 - Second World War
    Private, 1st Special Service Force, France 1944 - Second World War
    Private, Bren Gunner, Unspecified Unit, Dunkirk 1940 - Second World War
  • We'll Meet Again

    Private, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), Dunkirk 1940 - Second World War
    Private, 1st Special Air Service Regiment, Germany 1945 - Second World War
    Kuersoldat, Independent Belgian Brigade, England 1943 - Second World War
    Leftenant, 5th Battalion Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, 43rd Infantry Division, France 1944 - Second World War
    Medical Orderly, Royal Army Medical Corps, ‘A’ Troop 45 Commando, France 1944 - Second World War
    Leading Aircraftman, Royal Airforce Regiment, Europe 1944 - Second World War
    Private, Black Watch, 51st (Highland) Division, Mediterranean 1943 - Second World War
