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    > A Vietnamese massive weeb and an amateur model maker who goes by the name HannyaNoIkari

    > Feel free to recommend me to make anything, I might do the request if I find it interesting

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    • Yukcy's Avatar
      Yukcy posted to guest book of HannyaNoIkari's AvatarHannyaNoIkari
      February 1, 2024, 6:31 am to Public
      Hey, I know it was 2 years ago at this point but do you reckon you could make a 1.20.1 updated version of the Susanoo shield pack? by far the best shield design I've seen and would be really cool to use. If not that's cool, you're super talented
      Yukcy replied to HannyaNoIkari's comment below 2024-02-02 05:15:38
      Yukcy's Avatar
      That's so cool you actually responded, but it's fine. I'm just stupid and hadn't found a way to properly make the texture pack work without optifine. All good now I got it to work, it's great!
      HannyaNoIkari said 2024-02-02 04:35:53
      HannyaNoIkari's Avatar
      haven't play minecraft since so i'm not sure what did they changed in the code lol

      dm my discord, I can try updating it for you
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