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Level 37
Artisan Prince

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  • Claas Avero 240 combine harvester [With Download]
    Other Map
    1.5k 150 2
    x 4
    DreamWanderer's Avatar DreamWanderer 8/7/20 8:16
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    August 6, 2020, 6:50 pm to Public
    Getting the outline of the barn done. The foundation of it may seem pretty tall right now, But I am going to do a map for it. And the barn is built on a hill side, so most of it going to be covered over by the terrain
    Jackadope said 2020-08-06 19:46:51
    Jackadope's Avatar
    looks amazing, as always :)
    DreamWanderer replied to lyliaa's comment below 2020-08-06 19:05:25
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    Thanks. and I am using a resource pack tho lol. Tho they are still stairs
    lyliaa said 2020-08-06 18:57:58
    lyliaa's Avatar
    That siding with the stairs is genius and took me way too long to understand that it wasn't a resource pack
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    August 5, 2020, 5:16 pm to Public
    Started on my next building. Working on building a "old" barn that has holes and boards missing from the sides. This one Is going to be one that is still in use, and has places where things have been "patched". This is all kind of new to me. I never tried to build a weathered building lol
  • US M3A1 Halftrack [With Download]
    Other Map
    1.3k 97 1
    x 4
    DreamWanderer's Avatar DreamWanderer 8/2/20 8:31
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    August 1, 2020, 7:31 am to Public
    I have been thinking about trying something different with my builds. Specifically my much smaller builds. Since my near 1:1 builds are hard to get details in them, when I am building a small vehicle, such as a truck or car. I am thinking about posting such small builds with two versions.

    The one I am doing next is a small 3 wide truck. I am thinking about up scaling it from 3 wide to 5 wide, so I can get much more detail in it, and then trying to build it on my typical 3 wide scale, and post it with both versions. So you can choose either the near 1:1 scale, or the much bigger and much more detailed version. And if for some reason I can't get something to work on a 3 wide scale, I will just post it as the bigger version.

    What I was wondering. Is would you all like that idea?
    Kpepper15 said 2020-08-01 10:49:57
    Kpepper15's Avatar
    Sounds like a plan!
    TheLimeHit said 2020-08-01 10:20:55
    TheLimeHit's Avatar
    Ang333 said 2020-08-01 07:45:55
    Ang333's Avatar
    Absolutely yes.
  • Bell UH-1 Iroquois "Huey" helicopter [With Download]
    3D Art Map
    3k 373 2
    x 4
    DreamWanderer's Avatar DreamWanderer 8/1/20 5:35
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    July 31, 2020, 2:48 pm to Public
    I was just sitting here listening to music, and sorta daydreaming. Like I do most of the time lol, and I thought of a story idea. I thought it would be a neat story (or least I thought it was lol) If I could ever write or draw that is lol.

    The idea of the story is me getting pulled physically into my dreams, and worlds of my imagination. And would be about exploring my dreams/daydreams. and having to explore them to find resources for survival, and or find a way back to reality. Tho some of them I'm not sure I would want to leave lol.

    And it would be like a continuous story or my "dream wanderings". Like instead of keeping a journal of my dreams, where they would all be separated, It would be all my dreams combined into one continuous story. If that makes sense. Not sure how I would do it tho. I am no writer, and definitely no artist lol
    Archineer said 2020-07-31 16:21:20
    Archineer's Avatar
    That is a relly Good idea for a game lol.
    TheLimeHit said 2020-07-31 14:52:26
    TheLimeHit's Avatar
    I'd watch a movie with such story lol
    PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft said 2020-07-31 14:50:18
    PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft's Avatar
    this is a great idea
    copyright it while you still can
  • Bucyrus-Erie 1950-B "The Silver Spade" mining shovel [With Download]
    Land Structure Map
    2.7k 210 3
    x 5
    DreamWanderer's Avatar DreamWanderer 7/31/20 5:38
  • PMC's Avatar
    July 30, 2020, 4:31 pm to Public
    Since launching PMCSkin3D, our skin editor has supported the creation of HD skins...

    Today, you can publish HD PLAYER skins to the PMC skins section!

    Check out Cyprezz's HD skin, Egyptian God of Horus!
    While they are listed alongside standard definition skins, they are easily identifiable and filtered using the "Format" filter. We support 128x128 resolution because it's officially supported by the Bedrock Edition.

    Besides the higher resolution, it's easy to identify HD skins by their isometric preview and label "HD Bedrock Minecraft Skin". HD skins can only be downloaded. We are unable to support remote change or papercraft.

    Game Version Support
    HD skins are officially supported by the Minecraft Bedrock Edition and unofficially supported in Minecraft Java Edition with the use of Optifine the MorePlayerModels mod.

    Note: If you've already published your HD player skins in a blog, you can republish them without taking down your blog. It's up to you.
    mario634783 said 2021-04-06 10:43:49
    mario634783's Avatar
    yo how you guys doing
    StickminReve3_YT said 2021-04-05 02:41:42
    StickminReve3_YT's Avatar
    really good
    DERSC said 2021-01-26 20:17:45
    DERSC's Avatar
    he creado una nueva skin vallan a verla si quieren
    User3205989G said 2020-08-25 23:32:05
    User3205989G's Avatar
    sentiment_very_satisfiedGood Job

    Soiboi said 2020-08-13 21:23:06
    Soiboi's Avatar
    Yeah but still where's the drowned????? Drones have a different model compared to the player who still waiting for that???? >:( ????
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  • PMC's Avatar
    July 29, 2020, 5:08 pm to Public

    Contest hosts - We've been adding results to the Calendar! If your deadline is greyed-out and you'd like the results of your contest included, please let us know in the comment section of the calendar and link to the results. Deadlines greater than 2 weeks will be removed to keep things tidy!

    Interested in hosting a contest or event of your own? Below the calendar you'll see several tips! You can also refer to this tutorial for an in-depth guide. Banners aren't mandatory but they are encouraged because it not only attracts attention, but it might also end up on the pop reel, which means more visibility and possibly more participants! We also include new contests with banners in the PMC Weekly. Be sure to check out this How to guide by DinowCookie if you're not sure where to start!

    Don't see your contest listed? Please provide the title of your contest with a link, type of contest, and deadline in the comment section of the Community Event Calendar.

    Another note: we're always accepting PMC Weekly Feature suggestions! Whether you're proud of your own work or someone else's work caught your eye this week, send us a PM with the link to the project, skin, pack, mod or blog!

    Have a great rest of the week PMCer's!
    sebastiankream said 2021-12-18 22:37:52
    sebastiankream's Avatar
    Danimagi3 said 2020-09-16 06:37:17
    Danimagi3's Avatar
    Lisa C said 2020-09-13 05:29:44
    Lisa C's Avatar
    User3182929G said 2020-08-09 20:28:55
    User3182929G's Avatar
    make a shader pack with no winzip or other stuff just free and no ads or scams
    Diamond-Giver said 2020-08-06 03:51:48
    Diamond-Giver's Avatar
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  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    July 27, 2020, 6:43 pm to Public
    Standing at the base of the front of the spade. The main body is complete Ready to do the boom, and gantry/mast, and bucket. Then its on to minor details, and interior
    Kpepper15 said 2020-07-29 09:46:43
    Kpepper15's Avatar
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    July 26, 2020, 1:23 pm to Public
    Started work on the main body of the shovel. Can't wait to finish this one =D Been watching all kind of videos of it, just to get the angles I need to build it. The letter is rather large, and spread out compared to the real thing. But the size of the machine. I wanted the letters readable
    Foxx- said 2020-07-26 14:28:47
    Foxx-'s Avatar
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    July 26, 2020, 7:00 am to Public
    Finally got started on my Mining shovel build. Got the tracks finished, and working on the base of the machine at the moment
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    July 25, 2020, 3:37 pm to Public
    I hate when I am trying to start on a build, but it takes me forever to get anywhere with it, Because I just can't seem to get focused on it, Nor be able to find a good design lol. Once I get started tho. It doesn't usually take long.
    I started on my large mining shovel build a few hours ago, but haven't gotten anything done because of that lol.
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    July 25, 2020, 10:24 am to Public
    Thanks PixieMax for all the notification spam! =D
  • Dreamy's pack of railroad track [With download]
    Land Structure Map
    7.6k 690 6
    x 5
    DreamWanderer's Avatar DreamWanderer 7/25/20 7:19
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    July 24, 2020, 5:14 pm to Public
    I have made it to 900 subscribers! =D I am so excited. I can't believe I would have this many subscribers! Thank you all so much. I would love to mention all of you, but I can't lol.
    Thanks to These people for sharing my post and getting me to 900!

    As I mentioned I have posted my Q&A. https://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/discussions/general/dreamy-s-900-subscription-q-a-d-614090/
    Nippy Pawster said 2020-07-25 04:05:56
    Nippy Pawster's Avatar
    You make good builds so why wouldn't people subscribe.
    Overlord_Aqua_2 said 2020-07-24 18:43:37
    Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    Congratulation on having 900 subscribers! Keep the awesomeness going.
    STEALTHy said 2020-07-24 18:25:01
    STEALTHy's Avatar
    Awesome bro keep em coming. <3
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