kittywomp's Avatar
Level 53 Grandmaster Theorist

Wall Posts

  • kittywomp's Avatar
    July 18, 2023, 8:44 am to Public
    hi it's been a while lol
    hope everyone has been doing well!!
    girl_liker said 2023-07-18 08:56:26
    girl_liker's Avatar
    i hope u have been doing well too !!
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 27, 2023, 11:49 am to Public
    I'll have you know that since joining pmc, i have become:
    - 80% more obsessed with random topics i do not tell barely anyone irl about
    - 90% more knowledgeable about what pride flags mean what
    - 100% more socially awkward which i don't think is pmc's fault that one's on me
    - 200% more annoying about explaining color theory
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 23, 2023, 4:49 pm to Public
    you know
    i didn't used to get references to like anything
    and now i get references that aren't there
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 20, 2023, 3:07 pm to Public
    i will confess
    i have used picrew just to get the basic aspects of character designs out of my head because i'm too lazy to actually try to draw it
    anxii said 2023-06-20 16:12:34
    anxii's Avatar
    same don't worry
    r a i n b o w said 2023-06-20 16:07:37
    r a i n b o w's Avatar
    if u havent ur practically just not a human
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 8, 2023, 12:20 pm to Public
    if you looked at my page within the minute i posted the previous wall post, no you didn't. ( i messed it up again)
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 8, 2023, 12:18 pm to Public
    i edited my page how is it looking so far
    autumn said 2023-06-13 08:07:42
    autumn's Avatar
    looks cute
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 8, 2023, 11:44 am to Public
    kittywomp replied to cloudkitty's comment below 2023-06-08 17:39:19
    kittywomp's Avatar
    yeah! I'm using one. but it's not working anymore for me ;_; worked the first time...
    BookWyrm_ replied to kittywomp's comment below 2023-06-08 15:34:30
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    Yeah, I personally don’t have an issue with AI learning from various art styles, but I can certainly see why it could be a problem if people were to create fake art by someone and try passing it off as real, or if the AI model actually directly copied pieces of existing art, hopefully some laws get made soon to define how AI can be trained. AI models need a lot of data to be trained correctly, but it should also not directly copy any data it was trained on, like how some coding AI models were found to directly copy some large sections of code that they were trained on, and the generated code could be directly traced back to the original repositories. So basically we need an easy way to opt-out if AI training, and guidelines to ensure AI models are coded correctly and actually generate new data using the data they were trained on instead of copying and pasting some of the data they were trained on.
    cloudkitty said 2023-06-08 15:11:03
    cloudkitty's Avatar
    somewhere deep in the pmc artist community wallposts, there's a site linked that's able to screw up AI if it tries to copy your art
    kittywomp replied to BookWyrm_'s comment below 2023-06-08 14:43:12
    kittywomp's Avatar
    unfortunately, there aren't many laws for these things :(
    BookWyrm_ replied to kittywomp's comment below 2023-06-08 12:23:56
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    nice, AI scrapers should respect the permissions of whatever site the image is hosted on, I believe, or they'd be breaking the law, but probably most image hosting sites don't have the option to stop that, and PMC hosts images that are thumbnails for blog posts, banners for profiles, pfps, etc. and PMC definitely doesn't have the option to stop AI scrapers atm, so any of that is definitely vulnerable.
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  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 8, 2023, 11:43 am to Public
    I'm very much enjoying seeing people fill out those primary school assignment-looking things and cover up the "age" box with the most random things lol
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    kittywomp shared Prince Ren's post
    June 7, 2023, 8:15 pm with Public
    Prince Ren's Avatar
    Prince Ren
    June 7, 2023, 8:09 pm to Public
    a canadian lad here.
    fires are real bad right now.
    for those affected by the fires (as well as the smoke), i hope you & your family stay safe.

    edit: my family and i are safe for now. but we're also near an area with an out-of-control fire, so hopefully things get under control soon :/
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  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 7, 2023, 7:50 pm to Public
    happy minecraft update day! i think!
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 7, 2023, 4:38 pm to Public
    I DID IT WRONG AAAA I FORGOT TO RESIZE THE IMAGE TO PFP SIZE BEFORE GLAZING AAAAA sorry caps by bad but it represents my current mental state
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 7, 2023, 4:35 pm to Public
    i use glaze now: before posting art and it takes so long ;_; sad. it's going to take extra time to update my page now lol
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 6, 2023, 12:11 pm to Public
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 6, 2023, 11:46 am to Public
    I’m on mobile and it won’t let me comment or edit the wallpost for some reason (my device/connection, not pmc’s fault) but I accidentally said happy pride month on both wall posts and the repetition really bothering me as well as the fact that I ended most sentences with lol so I would just like to put this complaint about myself out there ok bye
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 6, 2023, 11:40 am to Public
    About my absence:
    not really going to go into it too much, it’s just normal moving on stuff. I haven’t quit pmc, but I don’t plan on ever being here as much as I was a few years back.
    I mean, I’ve basically been inactive for half a year lol.
    I wish I could go further into it, but for my own online safety, I won’t lol
    eventually, I thought about pmc sometimes, but after thinking about how much I’ve missed, I just… didn’t want to come back to it. So I didn’t even visit the website 🥹
    maybe I’ll spruce up my page and publish some skins occasionally, because I’ve gotten over the fear-of-already-having-missed-out-on-stuff lol
    i missed it though! I especially missed my friends on here! I wish there was a better way for me to handle all the stuff I have going on online rn but I can’t think of one 🥲 I will try to remember to check back here once in a while for myself! Hope you are all doing well!

    happy pride month!!!!!!!
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    June 6, 2023, 11:34 am to Public
    I’m alive!
    happy pride month! How has everyone been doing? Do you remember me? xD
    kittywomp replied to DigitalNeko's comment below 2023-06-06 13:17:43
    kittywomp's Avatar
    hi digi!! thank you!!!
    DigitalNeko said 2023-06-06 12:44:51
    DigitalNeko's Avatar
    hi kitty!! welcome back (even if it's not on as frequent a basis)
    NotLizzie said 2023-06-06 12:15:00
    NotLizzie's Avatar
    kittywomp replied to Jasmine_'s comment below 2023-06-06 12:08:05
    kittywomp's Avatar
    JAS HI HI HI HI HI H!!!!!!!!!!
    kittywomp replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2023-06-06 12:07:57
    kittywomp's Avatar
    it's funny because i never really left, just got bored haha
    thank you!
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  • kittywomp's Avatar
    kittywomp shared PsioPsia001's post
    April 9, 2023, 11:13 am with Public
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    April 8, 2023, 1:43 pm to Public

    source, edited by me
    (I removed one question because it was specifically about tumblr)
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    budg1e said 2023-04-10 18:34:53
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  • kittywomp's Avatar
    April 1, 2023, 8:55 am to Public
    Happy international trans day of visibility (mar 31) and April fools day/ april first !!
    I didn’t forget about pmc! I just have been busy with other hobbies :’)
    Mellie said 2023-04-01 09:00:29
    Mellie's Avatar
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    kittywomp shared PMC Artist Community's post
    March 18, 2023, 8:37 am with Public
    I saw this earlier!! I’m glad someone posted about it. (Thank you!) It’s not a permanent solution, but it’s better than what we have now (nothing).
    PMC Artist Community's Avatar
    PMC Artist Community post by chickenpants93's Avatar chickenpants93
    March 17, 2023, 1:22 pm to Public
    Hey guys! It's me, the guy who moderates this art group!
    I have some awesome news! It's not specifically about this group but I feel this is a good place to reach a lot of artists.

    For a long time now artists have been worrying about AI being able to mimic your art styles, but I have been researching the topic for a while now and have learned about a very useful program that can protect your art!
    The program is called Glaze! It basically makes any AI program that tries to steal your art see the image incorrectly, confusing it with an entirely different genre of art! And this changes practically nothing about the art to the human eye! Its a very impressive program, and it stays on your home computer so there's no risk of your art being stolen by them either.

    (The artist used in their example is Nathan Fowkes by the way!)

    Feel free to share here or wherever you can, this could help a lot of people protect their art from theft and impersonation!
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    chickenpants93 said 2023-03-18 11:30:43
    chickenpants93's Avatar
    Thank you for sharing!
  • kittywomp's Avatar
    kittywomp shared r a i n b o w's post
    March 9, 2023, 4:35 pm with Public
    second to last paragraph made me smile x3 great example
    but this is a very good thing to remember! artists who you request or commission deserve your respect. They are not your servants. Artists don't owe people who request stuff from them anything. Even if it's a commission, you should still treat them with respect!! It can be a LOT of work!
    r a i n b o w's Avatar
    r a i n b o w
    March 9, 2023, 2:21 am to Public
    so uhh - can i just complain about something?

    if any of yall get a skin rq/comm from someone named romeo please dont interact with him. ive seriously never met anyone so rude in my life.

    he requested an nsfw skin which i said no to and within 30 seconds of me saying no he sent me another skin to make. i posted that one and 30 seconds after i did he sent me another to make.

    now i felt very bad because i had been very rude to him since he kept constantly dming me on discord about these skins despite my profile very clearly stating not to dm me for requests. he also kept sending hello literally every time i came online which was weird and creepy since i wasnt even talking to him, and when he said hello like three times in a row he didnt seem to get the message.

    also literally all the requests he sent were girls in either tiny skirts or a bikini top which is just weird.

    he was also very demanding of me, once i said id make him a skin hed just be like "how many hours" with no question mark or anything.

    his reaction to the first skin i posted was "its all blue but ill take it". why would you request a skin from me if you dont like that its all one colour? thats literally my style? also dont be so ungrateful lmao its free.

    i agreed to making the second skin for him, and without any warning, before i had even finished making it, he sent me YET ANOTHER girl in a tiny skirt to make. at this point my gf (who id been texting the entire time) was practically begging me to not make the skin and to ignore him but i felt bad so i made the second skin.

    after i posted the second skin i dmed him back finally and replied to his third request and said "no. requests are now closed for you" (i decided against adding and you personally lmao) then blocked him on both pmc and discord.

    moral of the story - skinners are not your personal slaves. we cant just be kept making skins constantly. i have to take my time to make them. yes, my skins only take abt half an hour, but thats half an hour spent for someone to reply "its all blue but ill take it"

    other moral of the story - skin requests are free! dont be rude about them! especially if its that skinners style! it would be like requesting smth from michiru and going "its all detailed but ill take it" hoccyiyocyvhocyifyiftdtcyocyv

    well that was a long story lmao (took me 20 mins to type lmao)
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