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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 28, 2021, 8:23 pm to Public
    guys we need to help my fren :((((((((((((( :0000000000000
    PogJana said 2022-01-02 13:17:43
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    per_Qasper said 2021-12-29 05:26:37
    per_Qasper's Avatar
    WHAT!? I don't understand XD
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 27, 2021, 3:25 pm to Public
    No, I don't have minecraft music discs on my music playlist!!! Who would do that!?!

    Continues to listen to Otherside
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy said 2022-08-18 21:25:33
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's Avatar
    Mood -v-
    SapphireDragon3662 said 2022-03-26 07:47:58
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 24, 2021, 7:41 pm to Public
    merry christmas!
    I was just thinking about this. Christmas. "mas" is a word in spanish (with an accent on the A) meaning more or most i forget, and christ is the last name of jesus....
    Which means Christmas literally means Jesus More

    Anyways bye and have merry christmas :D
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 22, 2021, 5:19 pm to Public
    So I just had a long "discussion" with ZappyGru in my genie forum, and he's inspired me to write...

    THE PLANET MINECRAFT CINEMATIC UNIVERSE or something along those lines

    anyways it'll just be a story of some sorts starring people from planet minecraft! I just got this idea so I need your help. If you have any ideas, post them in the comments. I'll be making a list of characters soon, so stay tuned. I'll try and think of a story. Maybe people from PMC have to defend Minecraft from being destroyed?

    anyways, I want this to be a big community event of sorts, so if you can, please share this post! I want as much community feedback and help as possible to make this a reality :D

    So yeah post ideas in comments, share this post, and I'll try and make a story out of it!

    To suggest ideas easier, check out this forum thread!
    Squidster491 replied to ZappyGru's comment below 2021-12-22 22:10:17
    Squidster491's Avatar
    Hmmm… Yes, indeed!
    Firestar2477278 replied to Firestar2477278's comment below 2021-12-22 18:56:27
    Firestar2477278's Avatar
    Maybe a forum topic?
    Firestar2477278 replied to Kypickle's comment below 2021-12-22 18:46:22
    Firestar2477278's Avatar
    Yeah, lol :3
    Imaguy121 said 2021-12-22 18:43:59
    Imaguy121's Avatar
    im eating a sunny side up egg rn. its pretty good
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 21, 2021, 9:07 pm to Public
    downloaded a voice change and have been autotuning myself for the past 30 mins
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy said 2022-08-18 21:25:48
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 18, 2021, 8:11 pm to Public
    Ok I just remembered the stupidest thing that happened at school a few weeks ago
    so my english teacher is super nice and if we do well in class every once and a while we'll play a game
    it's called categories and basically works like this
    teacher chooses a category, for example, "minecraft blocks" and you have to say a minecraft block without repeating what someone else has said
    so anyways the category is "countries in south america"
    i'm from the g r e a t c o u n t r y of 'murica and i'm sure you've all seen the meme of how we dont know anything about geography
    well that's true in this case because this kid says "new mexico"
    if you say something incorrect you get out as well, but since he was the first person to say something he can't get out, so he gets a second category, "NFL teams". He says bruins. (for those who don't live in 'murica, the bruins are a hockey team).
    anyways a few rounds later and someone gets a new category
    "countries in europe"
    and oh boy
    anyways thats the end of my story, you now know that 'muricans really are dumb
    except for me I've memorized yakko's world and know all the countries :)
    DaniAdler said 2021-12-19 11:09:30
    DaniAdler's Avatar
    "new mexico"
    oh god
    PandaFrost29 said 2021-12-18 22:26:10
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    Oh my 😭
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 18, 2021, 8:15 am to Public
    88 subs, I'm so close to 100!
    My goal's to get to 100 by the end of the year, so I have 14 more days
    basically I need one sub a day and I don't rly think that's gonna work out
    but thanks for the subs anyway! 88's more than 0, so it's something!
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 17, 2021, 9:07 am to Public
    At school
    there are threats coming from all around the country to schools today, so we have a ton of police all over the place :D
    also like half the students aren’t here
    sooooo yeah
    Anyways how’s life for you guys
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy said 2022-08-18 21:27:06
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's Avatar
    Where are you???? If ur in new york then im going to brazil
    Kypickle replied to _Blue_Axolotl's comment below 2021-12-19 06:23:17
    Kypickle's Avatar
    I mean half the kids were scared to death and the other half were making jokes about it and not really helping
    tbh I wasn’t scared but some were
    _Blue_Axolotl said 2021-12-19 04:31:54
    _Blue_Axolotl's Avatar
    that's actually kinda cooll
    GreenPhoenix332 said 2021-12-17 17:03:59
    GreenPhoenix332's Avatar
    now im grateful im homeschooled
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 12, 2021, 10:27 am to Public
    that moment when you get 100 views on your skin
    and then you realize that you gave yourself that 100th view because you clicked the skin
    Sassafras said 2021-12-12 12:23:58
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 12, 2021, 6:06 am to Public
    I am annoyed
    there is a comet that was supposed to be at its brightest today and I happen to live at the perfect place to see it
    unfortunately the time to see it is 5:30 to 6 AM but whatever I can deal with that
    so I wake up at 5:20
    go outside
    and am ready to see this conet
    and there’s a cloud
    a single cloud
    exactly where the comet it supposed to be
    its now 6:05 and I’ve missed the comet because of a cloud
    Oh and to make things worse that was my only opportunity to view the comet ever because it’s getting ejected from the solar system :D
    i am enraged
    Kypickle replied to ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's comment below 2022-08-18 21:29:06
    Kypickle's Avatar
    It wasn’t Halley’s Comet, this was a one time comet you’ll never see again because it’s literally left the solar system
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy said 2022-08-18 21:27:39
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's Avatar
    Halleys comet is in our lifetime
    PandaFrost29 said 2021-12-12 16:30:47
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    rip big time
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 11, 2021, 8:58 pm to Public
    Im trying to make a landscape of an alien planet, and these are the first two continents. since i was too lazy to draw them myself, these are just photoshopped versions of north and south america, now trying to figure out what i should do with europe asia and austrailia
    AgentAxolotl said 2021-12-13 02:00:24
    AgentAxolotl's Avatar
    looks like a bird the right side
    Galaxium said 2021-12-11 22:15:39
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    If you split Europe in half longways it will resemble a continent of my planet back home. D*mn i miss that planet.
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 10, 2021, 9:04 pm to Public
    Oh my god, I just spent literal months drawing this. I started in september, and I painstakinly traces every last cloud of the planet Jupter, and honestly, this is the best piece of art I've ever produced.
    Next up: Neptune
    Kypickle replied to MintDaGhost's comment below 2022-02-12 18:06:45
    Kypickle's Avatar
    I used a real image to help make this
    MintDaGhost said 2022-02-12 17:28:36
    MintDaGhost's Avatar
    i thought this was just a picture of jupiter-

    its not, right?
    Theotmt said 2021-12-10 22:20:16
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 10, 2021, 1:00 pm to Public
    If there's no sound in space...
    that means a fart...
    is louder than a supernova...
    The brightest supernova ever seen was just discovered - CNN
    A fart is more powerful than the above image
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy replied to Lordslash2007's comment below 2022-08-18 21:29:04
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's Avatar
    Lordslash2007 said 2021-12-10 13:17:14
    Lordslash2007's Avatar
    But if you farted in your spacesuit you would be gassing yourself out lol.
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 7, 2021, 8:50 pm to Public
    Someone inspired me to make a discord server, so here we are! Come join Kypickle's Space :D
    Kypickle replied to ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's comment below 2022-08-18 21:31:07
    Kypickle's Avatar
    That was 9 months ago I deleted it because nobody joined lmao
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy said 2022-08-18 21:29:52
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's Avatar
  • MIlitary Axolotl: Skin Request for Crusader Axolotl
    Minecraft Skin
    305 3
    Kypickle's Avatar Kypickle 12/7/21 8:34
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 6, 2021, 7:02 pm to Public
    I posted this months ago, but I think I need to post it again:
    There is a song I've been listening to that's literally the best piece of music anyone will ever experience ever, and I'm not exaggerating. This is just a complete masterpiece of a song
    It's called Children of Planet Earth and here's the link
    listen to it please
    i'm not being sarcastic i swear this song is just the best
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 6, 2021, 10:01 am to Public
    bro, atheism is a non-prophet organization...
    MoonAstraea said 2021-12-06 10:07:25
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    ok you get a pass oml
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 5, 2021, 8:00 pm to Public
    a few updates on the sci fi book im attempting to write:
    just blew up a solar system
    (don't worry only a few people died)
    Yes, it sounds weird, but it does advance the plot and makes sense in the story
    basically this was a twelve-planet system I made up, called Zodiac because I couldn't think of any creative names for twelve planets, and what do you know, there are twelve zodiac signs!
    four of the planets were destroyed and the rest of them got serious damage
    honestly i keep worrying that someone's gonna be super offended like "iM a GeMiNi aNd yOu MaDe tHaT pLanEt bLoW uP iM sUEinG"
    its the stupidest thing but I keep thinking about it
    anyways the four planets that were totally destroyed were Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, then Leo, Virgo and Libra barely survived and the other five are now just molten spheres of lava floating in space around a star that just exploded
    anyways on a scale of 1-10 how offended are you that I blew up your zodiac sign
    (this was totally a personal attack on your zodiac sign specifically, and this statement is not at all sarcastic)
    Kypickle replied to MoonAstraea's comment below 2021-12-05 20:14:50
    Kypickle's Avatar
    actually, I was just writing right now and just wrote about how surprised the main character was that Pisces and the other two outer planets (Aquarius and Capricorn) sustained so little damage
    this is two coincidences Moon first the Astraea thing and now this
    you definitely have access to my google docs somehow
    but yes totally agree, you can't base your entire life around a zodiac sign and then get mad when some mean ol author goes and blows up a planet named after it
    MoonAstraea said 2021-12-05 20:10:55
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    i'M a PiScEs aNd i aM nOw fiLLed wItH fEaR aNd rAgE-

    fr tho some people do take it too far
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 4, 2021, 6:22 pm to Public
    Okay the coolest thing just happened
    I’m in the car and have been stopped for a while, so I was just more or less laying on my seat just looking out the window
    and I see a small red star looking thing, moving super fast across the sky
    I have an app on my phone that can tell you what every star in the sky is so I grab my phone and point it at the object
    and it was the international space station
    i don’t know what the odds of that is because the iss orbits earth once every 90 minutes
    but that was rly cool
    i looked it up to confirm, and you definitely can see the iss without a telescope
    AgentAxolotl replied to Kypickle's comment below 2021-12-13 02:02:03
    AgentAxolotl's Avatar
    also when my family goes camping we look up at the sky and we try to spot satellites, the person that spotted the most before bed wins
    Kypickle replied to AgentAxolotl's comment below 2021-12-06 16:29:36
    Kypickle's Avatar
    aw that's cool, I wish my town did that
    I'm just so surprised I looked at it my complete random chance
    AgentAxolotl said 2021-12-06 16:27:00
    AgentAxolotl's Avatar
    I have seen the ISS several times in my life, our news tells us when it is going to fly by in our local area
    Galaxium said 2021-12-04 19:25:27
    Galaxium's Avatar
    I love looking for the ISS in the sky at night. There is also an app that lets you track the ISS as well.
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