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  • CheddarEBiscuit's Avatar
    June 7, 2024, 12:46 am to Public
    Thank you guys for all the support on Antique Tea Party! I really appreciate it, and I'm glad you're all enjoying it!
    MinhDui said 2024-06-08 09:43:41
    MinhDui's Avatar
    it's absolutely a beautiful CIT pack. Thank you for your hard work!
    Hammerchan said 2024-06-07 10:09:24
    Hammerchan's Avatar
    Yw and I really love It 💕
  • A05n21's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 6:49 am to Public
    I'm so sorry to announce you that the original account holder will be taking a step back due to a deterioration in his heart condition. As a result, I will be assuming responsibility for managing and posting content on his behalf on this platform. I will also oversee all of his creative content. Let's all send positive thoughts and well wishes to him: A05n21
    IGEBM said 2024-06-04 07:30:52
    IGEBM's Avatar
    Hope they get better
  • Vastro's Avatar
    June 3, 2024, 8:03 am to Public


    The official name for the previous (Vastro's Kingdom" is here! Norsewood is an upcoming texture pack featuring realistic 128 textures, tons of custom block models and more!

    The idea of this pack started when I was trying to find a texture pack that not only looked great but also played great on a lower end pc. So this pack is being built on a 1050TI with the minimum of 2G of allocated memory. Hence why its taking a while to make this pack. adjusting block models and textures to insure that even on a lower end pc you can stil play this pack with minimal to zero issues. Right now the pack can render between 8-12 with shaders and without shaders you can max and it runs fine on a lower gpu. Hopefully this will allow others to play and enjoy this pack without having to worry about not having a "BEEFY" enough pc to do so.
  • A05n21's Avatar
    June 3, 2024, 2:53 am to Public
    I've noticed that this site has a lot of monetized and undownloadable maps lately, and it's really annoying. It feels like PMC is becoming more like a platform for Patreon. This trend is ruining the immersive experience of PMC, It's starting to feel more like a marketplace for Bedrock instead of a creative community by PMC standards. I'm getting burnt out trying to create and upload content on this site.
    KateYagi replied to IGEBM's comment below 2024-06-06 18:00:46
    KateYagi's Avatar
    Oh I know, just licensing filters could be helpful for a number of reasons including that. Plus free and open source are two different things, like someone may freely distribute something, but have rules about it's usage in videos, modpacks or remixing.
    IGEBM replied to KateYagi's comment below 2024-06-04 07:32:02
    IGEBM's Avatar
    You can already filter monetized and free maps, as Sila said down below
    KateYagi said 2024-06-03 07:07:48
    KateYagi's Avatar
    One remedy would be to require a setting a licence of some sort, so the average user could just leave theIr stuff as Creative Commons or GPL, while those trying to sell would have to specify the proprietary licence. Then you could just filter to just free and open source stuff for a normal experience, safe from the nuisance of capitalism.
    A05n21 replied to Silabear's comment below 2024-06-03 03:07:19
    A05n21's Avatar
    I understand the features of PMC, but it seems like monetized content is becoming dominant on PMC's platform. Even small builds now require payment. This is turning the community into a marketplace. For example, when I scroll through 10 maps, 11 of them are monetized :/
    Silabear said 2024-06-03 02:58:21
    Silabear's Avatar
    the system usually flags monetised/undownloadable content, and you can filter through them to only find ones with a download link. I do agree though
  • Vastro's Avatar
    May 19, 2024, 10:05 am to Public
    Good morning everyone! How are we all doing on this mid May Sunday?!?! It has been a minute since I have made a post or anything on here. It's time to get a little real and then get into some updates.

    Where to start.... Well.... It has been a very emotional and overwhelming 6 months. In November of last year, Just as I was getting ready to do some big updates here, my father ended up in the hospital randomly with a chest cold. One month later due to many unexpected complications he passed. The holidays, needless to say were very difficult and the months following after. When January hit, the toll on my Mom after my Dad passing was a lot for her. In February, her health started to decline. It was constant trips to the E.R., weeks full of doctors visits and tests. She suffered from an incurable lung cancer that she fought for many years leading up to this point. After my fathers passing, i truly believe she just wanted to be with him. Fast forward to March, 2 days after my Fathers Birthday, my mother fell asleep never to awake again.

    I know that's a lot in a little bit to drop on a bunch of totally random people on a website about minecraft, but tbh, Minecraft, and making things for it, losing myself in this world is really one of the only things that have kept my mental health at bay, well enough to get through each day. On top of that, my real, personal life is void of people for the most part. I have my amazing gf and her family, my brother and that's about it. In those moments, being around all of them I have to be strong to some extent, so I usually never have a way or platform just to breath and to think out loud, if that makes any sense. So, I am hoping that by doing this, it will also help to get things out in a way that's healthy, constructive and beneficial to my mental health during all of this. So I do apologize for putting this all out in the open, But I also thank you for allowing me to do so.

    Now, With all of that said, and an explanation to my absence, I, for over two years have spent thousands of hours working on my own resource pack. It was something that started off as simply, I want a pack that I don't see anywhere so I guess the only way to get it is to make it. It started off as my own personal need to have my own customized experience in my all time fav game. I want to visually see how this game makes me feel in my head. So I started working on a pack to appease my own expectations. As I started developing the pack, I realized that WOW, there is so much more here than I had ever anticipated but slowly kept plugging away and doing my thing. After the first year and many trials, errors, revamps, and re-dos, I finally had an Idea of what to do, essentially scrapped everything (because it was trash) and decided to start over with a more cohesive Idea in mind. It was then that my GF decided to hop on board and assist me in making the pack that I envisioned in my head. So she decided to learn how to use Blockbench and started designing block models to help take some of the load off of me and to contribute to this idea. As time passed, a year went by leading up to last fall. I had a lot going on, I was working all the time trying to complete this pack and then everything happened.

    I've been on a couple of times here and there since then. Just trying to muster the mental energy to do something. It was really tough tbh. But again, Minecraft is the only thing that allows me to escape and open my mind to think outside the box a little and not be stuck within my thoughts. It was therapeutic and helpful to me.

    Cut to today, I am sitting here, another week has passed, still plugging away on everything and all of this hit me. Like how much I have dedicated to a video game that in return, unknowingly has given me so much in return.

    With all of that said, I have decided to revamp, rename and redo ( not everything ) but a bunch of stuff with this upcoming pack to make it even more special not only for myself but for those who choose to download and view an idea that i had, with hopes that in return, will give them something more than just a video game, but a place, and experience, and escape that puts a smile on the players face.

    Again, thank you all for taking the time to download, comment and support whatever it is i do on here. Its beyond making packs for me. It about making something bigger that can help another escape to place of comfort and joy, even if its just for a little bit.

    Cheers and keep posted for updates coming about the pack. Demo WILL BE COMING IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS!
  • Vastro's Avatar
    January 11, 2024, 8:34 am to Public
    Morning crafters! Hope everyone is doing well. I will be looking for a select few people to essentially test out my pack in its current state within the next month or so so I can get some feedback on what I can do differently and or better to improve the pack before its full release this coming year. If anyone is interested please message me. I will only be picking 2 maybe 3 people to test this out as of right now.
  • Vastro's Avatar
    January 10, 2024, 8:36 am to Public
    GOOOOOOOOD MORNING ALL! How is everyone doing on this fine day?
  • Vastro's Avatar
    Vastro shared McMeddon's post
    January 7, 2024, 2:21 pm with Public
    McMeddon's Avatar
    January 7, 2024, 12:14 pm to Public

    Welcome to the Suggestion Sunday,

    where i want to hear your suggestions and try to do them in the next projects
    Drop your suggestions on this post or in #map-ideas in the discord.mcmeddon.com

    View original post
  • Vastro's Avatar
    January 7, 2024, 8:27 am to Public
    How is everyone doing this weekend?
  • Vastro's Avatar
    January 1, 2024, 10:55 am to Public
    Happy new year everyone! What a great way to start the year by finishing the last base block texture for the pack. Now on to more block models and item creations.
  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 31, 2023, 9:48 am to Public
    Morning all. How is everyone doing before the new year hits? Today I will be plugging away on more block models for the pack. Wishing you all a great day and a joyous 2024
  • CheddarEBiscuit's Avatar
    December 30, 2023, 5:12 pm to Public
    I have a little something in the works c:

  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 28, 2023, 9:26 pm to Public
  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 28, 2023, 8:57 pm to Public
  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 28, 2023, 6:30 pm to Public
    Here is a quick video preview of the upcoming Vastro's Kingdom pack. This video showcases Vastro's Kingdom as is, no mods, no shader, no Optifine, Forge or Fabric. Just the base pack in vanilla 1.20.4.
  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 28, 2023, 4:28 pm to Public
    Here is another snapshot of the upcoming Vastro's Kingdom pack. More preview images and content coming to the dev page here on Planet Minecraft HERE.

  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 28, 2023, 12:14 pm to Public
  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 28, 2023, 8:03 am to Public
    Greetings, Vastro Tribe,

    I bring news of an upcoming saga set to unfold in 2024—Vastro's Kingdom, a Norse-inspired Minecraft experience that promises to immerse you in a realm like no other. Our forge is ablaze with creativity as we weave together a tapestry of custom and interactive block models, bespoke textures, and the enchantment of randomized textures.

    Behold the screenshots, capturing a glimpse of the Vastro Pack in its current state, standing tall against the simplicity of vanilla Minecraft without a shader. A testament to the craftsmanship and dedication poured into every pixel, Vastro's Kingdom is set to redefine your Minecraft journey.

    Prepare for an adventure where each block tells a story, where textures breathe with life, and where the essence of Norse inspiration is woven into every pixel. The anticipation is palpable, and I express my gratitude for your support as we embark on this creative odyssey together.

    Stay tuned, dear kin, as Vastro's Kingdom unfolds—a testament to craftsmanship, passion, and the spirit of the Norse. Until then, may the winds of creativity guide you.

    Best regards,

  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 28, 2023, 7:44 am to Public
    Good morning, Vastro Tribe,

    Vastro here with news from our Norse-inspired forge. Today, I'm converting the Himinn Sky Pack for Bedrock—available soon. Yesterday, I unveiled Vastro's Fenrir Runic Font Pack, a tribute to ancient Norse symbols. Stay tuned for more creations on the way. Skál to new beginnings!

  • Vastro's Avatar
    December 27, 2023, 1:40 pm to Public

    Hail, brave warriors of the Vastro Tribe on Planet Minecraft!

    As the year draws to a close, I extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you, valiant members of our growing community. Your steadfast support and the thunderous roar of your downloads have fueled our creative fires, propelling us into the realms of imagination. With gratitude in my heart, I raise my virtual horn to you all.

    In the shadow of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, let us speak of the present and the future. The Vastro Tribe stands united, and our journey continues. Forged in the fires of your passion, our current packs have triumphed with your unwavering endorsement.

    Yet, our saga is far from over. Behold, we are crafting a digital stronghold—a website destined to rise like the towering spires of Asgard in 2024. This virtual hall shall be a gathering place for all who seek the immersive experiences of Vastro's Kingdom.

    Embarking on this epic voyage, we proudly unveil our upcoming creation—the Vastro's Kingdom Norse-Inspired Minecraft experience. For over a year, our skilled artisans have toiled, forging custom block models, weaving intricate textures, and breathing life into interactive block models. Prepare yourselves for a tapestry of decorative items and more, all within the realms of Minecraft—no modding required!

    As the Norns weave the fabric of fate, we pledge to share bountiful tales and unveil the secrets of this mighty creation come 2024. Brace yourselves for a plethora of details and insights that will transport you into the heart of our Norse-inspired universe.

    In the spirit of kinship, let us discuss the state of our Patreon longhouse. Currently, a solitary tier stands strong, but fear not, for our skilled craftsmen are laboring to forge additional tiers, laden with exclusive treasures. Those who pledge allegiance will receive early access to the full pack, enabling them to shape the destiny of the pack before the final forge is complete. Gain exclusive sneak peeks, revel in previews, and access updated information available only to our esteemed Patrons.

    Understand, noble Patrons, your support is the very lifeblood that sustains us. Through your generous contributions, we shall embark on a quest to fund our grand website, ensuring the continuous development and evolution of Vastro's packs. Together, we forge a bond stronger than Mjölnir itself.

    In the twilight of this year, I extend my deepest thanks once more. May your axes remain sharp, your shields sturdy, and your spirits high. As the northern lights dance across the winter sky, I wish you all a joyous and prosperous new year!

    With gratitude,
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