raisa's Avatar
  • Yep, yeah, yes-

    -=Hello, Welcome, 'Sup, whatever you wanna say.=-
    =-You can call me Foxy, Saanvi, saanita, maybe even raisa. whatever you prefer.=-
    =-So here we go!=-
    =-*back-flips into another dimension*=-
    =-*yells* By the way, this is as interesting as my intro gets!=-

    --Female - Scorpio - Saanvi--

    "we all are born
    so beautiful

    the greatest tragedy is being
    convinced that we are not."

    -- rupi kaur

    ((LOOK BELOW))

    Sorry to the people who actually like my writing, if there is any of you out there. Don't think I wanna post on this site anymore. due to the fact that this site is mainly based upon Minecraft and none of my writings have much to do with the game. Seeing as I play little to none now-a-days, I think I should take myself and writings somewhere else. Also, considering I've stopped writing for the last few months, I may even stop writing in general for good. If any of you could suggest some nice sites for me to write on, that'd be nice. Just send me PM whenever you got time. Moving on, thanks everyone. I'll stay around to just talk to some of the people around here. Also, once again, thanks if you read this whole long paragraph.

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    • raisa's Avatar
      May 27, 2018, 2:30 pm to Public
      Last thing I just wanna mention, wish all of you guys a nice day, on and on. Be sure to slide me some nice sites for writing, you know?
    • raisa's Avatar
      May 27, 2018, 2:29 pm to Public
      Sorry to the people who actually like my writing, if there is any of you out there. Don't think I wanna post on this site anymore. due to the fact that this site is mainly based upon Minecraft and none of my writings have much to do with the game. Seeing as I play little to none now-a-days, I think I should take myself and writings somewhere else. Also, considering I've stopped writing for the last few months, I may even stop writing in general for good. If any of you could suggest some nice sites for me to write on, that'd be nice. Just send me PM whenever you got time. Moving on, thanks everyone. I'll stay around to just talk to some of the people around here. Also, once again, thanks if you read this whole long paragraph.

      (This whole exact thing is also on my info box on my page.)
      TheSilentWind said 2018-05-28 08:22:56
      TheSilentWind's Avatar
      Aww, bye.
    • raisa's Avatar
      January 19, 2018, 7:24 pm to Public
      Do you know what’s so interesting about poetry and writing...?
      I think for poetry, it’s the way people interpret it. I’ve had pieces of mine where people have so many different interpretations of it, and it’s just so interesting to see how they see my writing.
      For writing, stories and such, it’s the way you can turn it. I don’t think this will make much sense, but from a reader’s view... There’s so many ways you could turn the story, so many outcomes. You see that character right there? Oh, the suspense! She could kill that guy we’ve all thought is a complete jerk, or maybe she will spare him because all of the sudden she’s reminded of herself. So many outcomes, so many ways that you can turn it...
      raisa replied to jaebeom's comment below 2018-01-20 09:58:27
      raisa's Avatar

      isnt that magical
      jaebeom said 2018-01-19 20:01:17
      jaebeom's Avatar
      my friend made a poem about bacon

      not really related just gonna
      put that out there
    • raisa's Avatar
      raisa shared LOVESlCK's post
      January 6, 2018, 12:55 pm with Public
      LOVESlCK's Avatar
      January 2, 2018, 8:39 pm to Public
      if you don't wanna share my rant, here's the phone numbers and links again. i kinda hoped more people would be posting them today, but i guess not. copy and paste these to your profile, please! it could help save a life.

      (american) national suicide prevention lifeline:

      (american) national suicide prevention lifeline online chat: http://chat.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx

      lgtbq+ lifeline/ the trevor project:
      (866) 488-7386

      international suicide hotlines:
      View original post
    • raisa's Avatar
      November 11, 2017, 1:09 pm to Public
      it's been 25 days since my last write

      someone shoot me, i cant think of anything
      TheSilentWind said 2017-11-11 13:14:45
      TheSilentWind's Avatar
      Look around for ideas and just write down your feeling then!
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