Entered in Minecraft Island Resort Project Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.

Ranked 40th for Apocalypse Skin Contest
with a score of 9.273 out of 15 from 11 ratings.
Criteria | Ranked | Score* | Raw Score | Max |
Creativity & Uniqueness | 52nd | 2.909 | 2.909 | 5 |
Technique & Execution | 35th | 6.364 | 6.364 | 10 |
Overall Score | 40th | 9.273 | 9.273 | 15 |

Ranked 33rd for Caved In Project Contest
with a score of 17.625 out of 30 from 8 ratings.
Criteria | Ranked | Score* | Raw Score | Max |
Concept & Originality | 34th | 6.125 | 6.125 | 10 |
Technique & Execution | 30th | 5.875 | 5.875 | 10 |
Presentation | 37th | 5.625 | 5.625 | 10 |
Overall Score | 33rd | 17.625 | 17.625 | 30 |