Hello BENT voter, You are receiving this message because I might want to do an interview/questioner on BENT via DMs. You will be on a group DM, as I am asking several users.If you are interested, please let me know!
If you can touch the tip of your nose with your tongue, or touch the tip of your chin with your tongue, please comment below and let me know I'm not alone.
I haven't been online in a while because of my iPad. It broke. There was a huge crack on the screen, but inside the machine? And the screen was like those old TVs when they malfunction. Here's the weird part I left it for ten minutes to do stuff. Before I walked away, I had been... doing things on the iPad. Came back to see the screen broken.
This is what it was like: Me: *gaming* My stomach: *growls* Me: *goes to make sandwich, leaving ipad closed on table* -About 10 minutes later- Me: *comes back* Ipad: *breaks* Me: *opens cover* Also me :0
to all you beautiful people on pmc happy new year from the uk's LittleDino2022 2022 was a good year for me... and for those who felt as if 2022 was terrible, i hope that 2023 is much better for you see y'all next year :p
Frustrated that I haven't had time to work on any of my large builds, especially the one I had planned for 1,000th upload. I considered doing something in its stead, Like an Q&A. I haven't done one in 4 years, tho those kind of flop on me.
Trying to think of something fun I could do, that wouldn't take a massive amount of effort, and could help interact with my subscribers here