Endo? (FNAF 1) (UPDATED) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Armor Stands

Endo? (FNAF 1) (UPDATED)

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MLGSuperSonicGamer's Avatar MLGSuperSonicGamer
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
This is my first upload because I usually don't like sharing my work because I'm scared of the fact that people steal work and don't say that they made it, even if this isn't good.
If you are going to re upload this or even edit it, please credit me.

Update 1: The endo was really plain and ugly looking, and I wasn't comfortable with that. So I decided to edit and make it not ugly lol.

Update 2 (Which was made a minute after update 1): I legit just added 1 line on top of the head because it looked weird without it.

Here's the old endo if anyone still wants.
Old version of endo
ModelArmor Stand

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06/04/2020 4:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
masterdiamond45's Avatar
looks cool realy cool
06/05/2020 7:26 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
MLGSuperSonicGamer's Avatar
I honestly didn't think it looked good but thanks.
12/13/2019 6:26 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
MLGSuperSonicGamer's Avatar
If you wanna improve it, just go ahead. But once you do send me a message and credit it plz.
