Hylia Shield (Legend of Zelda) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Shields

Hylia Shield (Legend of Zelda)

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isaloop's Avatar isaloop
Level 20 : Expert Princess
I really like the Hylia Shield from the legend of Zelda, so I created a Minecraft version of it!

Please note: This mob skin includes pixels that are supposed to be transparent and Planet Minecraft renders that right. However, when importing it to the actual game, these pixels are shown as black, so the shield would be kinda ugly in game. I've seen a lot of people talking about this issue when creating texture packs, but I haven't found a fix yet. I still wanted to upload this mob skin to share the concept with you all ^^
ResolutionHD 2x

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09/03/2021 8:00 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
Gabricampus's Avatar
Hi i have a question, How do i Put THIS MASTERPEICE in my game ?
