Infected Warden Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Wardens

Infected Warden

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dj-ICY's Avatar dj-ICY
Level 37 : Artisan Musician Pixel Painter
A corrupted variant of the Warden that is only rarely found in the --- umm... Deeper Deep Dark. They live so deep underground that the very void is causing them to have a slight, Enderman-like, appearance. They come into existence with splotches of black on their skin and start to get darker and darker. As Wardens live very long lives, a fully grown Warden will be almost completely black and purple.

I'm almost done making this and it will be updated soon

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06/28/2022 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New System
XiVoid's Avatar
Very cool, love it. Keep it up!
