Published Sep 15th, 2020, 9/15/20 4:23 pm
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- 72 downloads, 0 today
My entry for the Mythical Creatures Mob Skin Contest and my third skin ever.
"The story originated when Tony Doc Shields claimed to have investigated a report of two young girls on holiday in Mawnan who saw a large winged creature hovering above the tower of St Mawnen and St Stephen's Church, Mawnen on 17 April 1976. According to most versions of the story, the girls, identified as June and Vicky Melling, were so frightened by the sight of a large "feathered bird-man" that their father Don immediately cut short their family holiday after hearing their tale.
According to Sheils, one of the girls provided him with a drawing of the creature, which he dubbed "Owlman".The story was subsequently related in a pamphlet entitled Morgawr: The Monster of Falmouth Bay by Anthony Mawnan-Peller, which circulated throughout Cornwall in 1976. According to Shiels, "Owlman" was reported again on 3 July by two 14-year-old girls identified as Sally Chapman and Barbara Perry, who were aware of the "Owlman" tale. According to the story, the two girls were camping when they were confronted by "a big owl with pointed ears, as big as a man" with glowing eyes and black, pincer-like claws.
Sporadic claims of "Owlman" sightings in the vicinity of the church circulated in 1978, 1979, 1989, and 1995, and according to legend, a "loud, owl-like sound" could be heard at night in the Mullion church yard during the year 2000." -Wikipedia
I thought it would be cool to add stats as I always tend to do with creations, so here they are (the non specified ones would be standard of course):
"The story originated when Tony Doc Shields claimed to have investigated a report of two young girls on holiday in Mawnan who saw a large winged creature hovering above the tower of St Mawnen and St Stephen's Church, Mawnen on 17 April 1976. According to most versions of the story, the girls, identified as June and Vicky Melling, were so frightened by the sight of a large "feathered bird-man" that their father Don immediately cut short their family holiday after hearing their tale.
According to Sheils, one of the girls provided him with a drawing of the creature, which he dubbed "Owlman".The story was subsequently related in a pamphlet entitled Morgawr: The Monster of Falmouth Bay by Anthony Mawnan-Peller, which circulated throughout Cornwall in 1976. According to Shiels, "Owlman" was reported again on 3 July by two 14-year-old girls identified as Sally Chapman and Barbara Perry, who were aware of the "Owlman" tale. According to the story, the two girls were camping when they were confronted by "a big owl with pointed ears, as big as a man" with glowing eyes and black, pincer-like claws.
Sporadic claims of "Owlman" sightings in the vicinity of the church circulated in 1978, 1979, 1989, and 1995, and according to legend, a "loud, owl-like sound" could be heard at night in the Mullion church yard during the year 2000." -Wikipedia
I thought it would be cool to add stats as I always tend to do with creations, so here they are (the non specified ones would be standard of course):
- Health: 20 (
- Behavior: Neutral*
- Attack Strenght: Easy 8 (
x4), Normal 10 (
x5), Hard 15 (
x7,5) + Slowness IV for 40 seconds (Every Difficulty)
- Hitbox size: 2,5 Blocks (Height); 0,6 Blocks (Width)
- Spawn: Single rare spawning at light level 7 or less, the chances would be 0,001%. In Forest, Dark Forest, Swamp, Jungle and Taiga biomes there would be a +1% chance of spawning, same if the player's Y-coordinate is between 75 and 129.
- Drops: Feather (50%), Rotten Flesh (40%), Wheat/Melon/Pumpkin/Beetroot Seeds (5%), 0 Experience.
- Speed: 1.5
- Follow Range: 20
- Knockback: 1.0
Model | Vex (old) |
Resolution | Vanilla |
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