Villager / profession: news presenter Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Villagers

Villager / profession: news presenter

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Yoler_Toons's Avatar Yoler_Toons
Level 75 : Legendary Artist
* -introduce villager news intro music- *

Villager 4: breaking news! I have put on a new suit that my grandmother made for me, thank you grandmother. now we will go to villager number nine to learn more about the new important profession of villagers ... mine.

Villager 9: thanks villager number 4, the profession of news presenter, in short if you do something bad or good to any villager, the villager will go with some news presenter villager to tell him what you did, depending on whether it was a good or bad action, the whole village He will treat you badly or well, in fact with just one hit to a villager and he tells it to the news presenter villager, he will make the golems keep you away from villagers or the villagers will throw garbage at you and if you steal something they will all try to hurt you, but , if you do good deeds to a villager and tell it to the news presenter villager the golems will not attack you, the villagers will give you promotions, they will give you food or if you protect them after a raid the villagers will make you your own house, what change to make a house? That will make the golems patrol your house to protect it and the villagers will respect your bed and chests, they will visit you to give you gifts, meals and more.that's all you need to know about the news presenter profession, we're back with you villager number 4.

Villager 4: thanks villager nine, if you want this to come true you should support the guy who created this suit.

Villager 298017: Didn't your grandmother make that suit?

Villager 4: Shut up, without further interruptions, if you want the subject who did my profession or work to do more, comment in the comments that other professions would you like to be there or subjection of mods, we will leave the YouTube channel of our creator and the subject's twitter what did this do, see you next time.

-Element Animation:

-𝕐𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕣_𝕋𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕤 / ✎:

* -introduce villager news outro music- *
CreditElement Animation

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12/28/2021 5:46 am
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12/27/2021 11:32 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Artist
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12/27/2021 11:39 pm
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