Minecraft Mods

abyssal Mod V1.5 for Minecraft 1.4.2// Over 50+ New items and 2 New biomes ! [ +- 6.0K Downloads ! ]

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Level 50 : Grandmaster Egyptian
DIAMOND to support my Mod :)

PS : New mod : www.planetminecraft.com/mod/boundless-blocks-mod-132-adds-30-complicated-blocks-to-use-for-building/


Due to to many sprites and Textures i was forced to install forge into my mod.
So on the next update at 2/10/2012 there will be Forge support ( this can have a 1 day delay )

so far we have 49 new objects in the game ( incl. items and block ).
I also created a new Biome with custom trees and grass.*
I will continue to add features to the mod and i will update when Minecraft updates.

There are 2 new ores inside the mod.
  • Abyssal Ore: It's spawn rate is slightly lower then Iron Ore
  • Crystal Ore: Its spawn rate is slightly lower then Diamond Ore

Abyssal Specs:
  • Same strenght as Iron but its durability is higher
  • Blocks and ore gives light
  • Abyssal can be eaten and gives alot of health but it is a waste of the item.

Crystal Specs:
  • Can break blocks like its nothing but has a 32 Block use. Ideal for Obsidian Mining or slaying the Wither Boss ( Update 1.4.1 Of Minecraft)

The biome Specs:
  • Custom grass
  • Custom Tree Block
  • Custom Leaves
  • The biome mostly spawns near a beach or in the ocean but is hard to find.
  • The biome disallows water to touch the island and therefor this gives a very special effect. ( This is not a bug )

Future Updates:
  • More blocks to be added
  • 3th Ore ( Name suggestion ?)

  • Add a new dimension ( name ? ) ( Underworld ? )
  • New food
  • New mobs ( only spawns in new Dimension )
  • Post in this thread to give suggestions of new features
  • Emerald Tools?

  • Lapis , Emerald and Redstone tools.

I would like to thank some people:
  • Archfight 1 ( Tester )

  • Bertvb1 ( Also co-designer of the items )

  • Freakyfiend ( Tester )

  • zortron ( Tester )
  • TheYoutuber1000 ( ModReview )

Diamond and sub for more!

A few questions:
  • I am currently working non-stop ( except work and sleep ) on the mod. and making the textures of some things takes time. This is why i allow you to post a custom texture for a sun or moon to use in the new dimension. If i can skip this part i can use that time to find bugs and add other new things.
  • If you find any bugs , please tell me so i can improve the mod .


Download in a Winzip exstension: ( Initial Release Version )

Minecraft 1.3.2 :

Version History:

V1.3: ( will be back when fixed )
Redstone Tools added

New crops
New food
Fixed some minor bugs
New Biome
New TreeGen
Crystal light deleted

Fixed logs dropping abyssal shards
Fixed some biome failures
Added Crystal Light ( will get more features in the future )
Fixed other minor bugs

Initial release


Other youtube reviews:


CreditBertvb1, Archfiight1, Freakyfiend
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.4

25 Update Logs

Update #25 : by onitrix3 11/18/2012 2:07:36 pmNov 18th, 2012

Last update !

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07/21/2013 10:21 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman System
Suggestion for the next ore name: Falcreum pronounced (fal'crë'um) and smelt it to make a Falcreum ingot and then you can make Falcreum armor or tools!
07/22/2013 7:30 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Egyptian

I'm sorry to tell you but i stopped updating the mod ;)
11/14/2012 8:27 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
great, now minecraft's just black screening so i can't find the location of the sapling error. (before i tried what you said)
11/12/2012 11:26 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
when i installed the mod and tried to go in to minecraft, my game crashes after the mojang logo shows up. in the crash report it said it couldn't run the game because the sapling texture missing from the abyssal tree. Did you forget to put the sapling png into the mod or am i doing some thing wrong?!
note- i am using too many items at the same time and i did use modloader.
11/12/2012 12:15 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Egyptian
No the mod does work and all its images are given with you. The problem i have noticed before is that some textures changes their name when putted in the .jar Ive dubblechecked every name to make sure of no typos and i also have seen the same problem with other players.

All you have to do is go to the location where the file is located and edit the name. You can see where the file is located in your bug report or looking for it manually in the jar directory's.

The bug report should say Cannot find texture : /textures/IMAGENAME or otherwise it should say something like that. If you post the report i can tell you the location.

Once you found it all you have to do is Copy the file and paste it ( Do NOT override ) and once you pasted you Make 1 file Capitalized at the first letter and the other NON-capitalized

Capitalized : Tree
Non-Capitalized: tree

If it doesn't help you can contact me on skype so i can help you further with the bug :)
11/11/2012 10:31 am
Level 41 : Master Modder
i like to mod but i have a problem with what i do with my mods. I do
not know how to Make a separate EnumToolMaterial and that causes
problems with other mods that do the same. could you help?
11/11/2012 12:46 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Egyptian
in EnumToolMaterial you see a couple of lines right?

Add this

MATERIALNAME(3, 1248, 6F, 3, 10);

is the harvest level of your tool material. This is the level of
material this tool can harvest (3 = DIAMOND, 2 = IRON, 1 = STONE, 0 =
1248 is the number of uses this material allows before it breaks. (wood = 59, stone = 131, iron = 250, diamond = 1561, gold = 32)
6F is how fast this material can mine blocks that it is supposed to mine; such as how fast a pickaxe mines stone.
3 is how many half hearts of damage your tool will do to a mob or enemy. This will do 1.5 full hearts of damage.
10 is the natural enchantability factor. You'll have to play around with this one.

Did it help ? :)

11/11/2012 2:26 pm
Level 41 : Master Modder
well thats what ive been doing but when i put 2 different mods i made that both edit the EnumToolMaterial the game crashes
11/11/2012 2:48 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Egyptian
yes it does. As it overrides each class . So as example you have mod A and B
A edits Enum..
and B edits Enum...
If you make a new tool you will need to add that file . if you have 2 mods changing the same files it will crash due to overriding. so if you extend a code to that material but another copy of that file is being placed in you will crash. Since you can't edit a file in both mod and expect it to work. but a quick fix is to add the 2 enummaterials to the both mods. that way it won't crash :p

So if you have
Abyssal in mod A
Crystal in mod B then you need to add Crystal and Abyssal is both mods :)
also make sure every item and block has a different id in both mods or it will fail aswell :)
11/09/2012 4:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
This is a very cool mod! Well done!!!
