Minecraft Mods

BlockShuffle 1.16.4 {Game Modes!} [Spigot Plugin]

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JavaBuckets's Avatar JavaBuckets
Level 80 : Elite Modder

Greetings Planetminecraft!

Back again already (again!) At this point I'm just making all the plugins Dream has made for his fun small games with George...
So here is my version of a BlockShuffle! A game that will require you to find and stand on a random block before the time runs out. This will continue until someone loses!

Usage: /blockshuffle <gamemode> <timer>
Note: This will enter everyone on the server to the game

Usage: /blockshuffle <gamemode> <timer> ...<Player>
Note: This is if you only want to enter only specific players

You can enter as many players as you want.

There is an on-screen timer (only shows seconds atm) and a scoreboard for points.

Game Modes

There are 4 different game modes.

In the default game mode, contestants will each receive a random block that they have to find before their X timer runs out.
If they manage to find their block, their timer will reset and they will again have X time to find the next block.

The game ends when there is only 1 player left, no matter the score, so you might want to keep onto your block and step on it just before your timer runs out!

Much like the default game mode, only contestants will receive the same blocks. So the first block will be the same, the second will be the same, etc.

Same win condition as default game mode.

In the highest before timer, the contestant with the highest score wins. Instead of a contestant based timer, this game mode features a global timer. Every player has the same amount of time to find as many of their blocks as they can.

This game mode will provide each player with random blocks.

Again much like the highest before timer game mode, this is all about scoring the most points, ony this time every block received are the same. (This is probably my favourite mode)

Technical Details

This plugin is developed for Spigot, but should work on Paper Servers too.
Tested only on 1.16.4.

Source code: https://github.com/JavaBuckets-Corp/BlockShuffle
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by JavaBuckets 12/25/2020 11:10:08 amDec 25th, 2020

Version 0.1.0!

Game modes have been introduced! Read more about them in the description.

Also added some more blocks to the tier lists and illegal list. Please notify me if you find any ridiculous blocks that are near impossible, and I'll be sure to add them to their respective list!

Also updated the chat colors, and added an on-screen timer!

Also added scoreboards!

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03/29/2021 2:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
joaotrol18's Avatar
why cant i type the command to start the game?
12/17/2020 8:32 am
Level 80 : Elite Modder
JavaBuckets's Avatar
Looking forward to playing BlockShuffle in 1.17 with bundles!

I'm also working on different gamemodes for BlockShuffle, some will have the objective of obtaining as many points as possible before a timer runs out, others will focus on who can survive the BlockShuffle game for the longest.

Will include scoreboards for score tracking, something cool for on-screen timers if possible and much more!
12/11/2020 9:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Wintter's Avatar
I've got chain command block, lol :)

I played with my friends. Different colors in chat would be appreciated. Your plugins is the best, keep up the good work.
12/17/2020 8:33 am
Level 80 : Elite Modder
JavaBuckets's Avatar
Chat colors updated, hopefully should feel a little easier to see in chat now,

Also put out a spoiler for some new content im planning for this plugin!
