Minecraft Mods

DeathSwap 1.16.4 [Spigot Plugin]

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Level 80 : Elite Modder

Greetings Planetminecraft!

Back again already! I needed a plugin much like the one Dream uses for the Deathswap series.
So here is my version of a Deathswap plugin that will swap you and your friend every X minutes, whoever dies first loses!

Usage: /deathswap ...<Player>
You can add as many players as you want

The Deathswap only ends when one of the players die.

Technical Details

This plugin is developed for Spigot, but should work on Paper Servers too.
Tested only on 1.16.4.

Source code: https://github.com/JavaBuckets-Corp/Deathswap
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by JavaBuckets 12/11/2020 11:00:02 amDec 11th, 2020


Now you can do more than 2 players!

Players who die enter spectator

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