Minecraft Mods

[Bukkit] [Plugin] [PvP] Infection Plugin

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Level 38 : Artisan Explorer
INFECTION is a new gamemode in which the humans must survive against the zombies until the time runs out. When the game is started a few zombies are randomly chosen; The rest of the players are humans and get a small amount of time to run and build a defence, when the time is up the zombies are released!. If a human is killed by a zombie then they become infected and join the zombies then they must kill the rest of the humans. If a zombie kills enough humans they will redeem and become a human once more, Humans can gain killstreak rewards which are all configurable via the config file. The plugin also uses TagAPI but this is optional and not required for the plugin to work , what will this will do is set humans to have a blue name above their head and zombies to have a green one, this will change when they are infected or redeem.

This would go perfectly with the Haunted House Map:http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/infection-haunted-house/


/start - starts a new round of infection

/team - sends the message after this to the rest of your team, organize yourselves tostandthe best chance of winning


· A percentage of first zombies is set and then the players are randomly selected

· The rest of the players will be set as humans

· The zombies are enclosed in a box for a certain amount of time

· The zombies are released after this time has expired

· When a human is killed they join the zombies

· Killstreak rewards can all be customised from the config file

· Redemption system for zombies so they can become human for killing enough humans

· Zombies are identified by the block of green wool on their heads

· Uses TagAPI o creates coloured tags for players, easier identification

· Can add potion effects when starting, redeeming, last human or zombie spawn

· Stops players dropping their equipment when they die

· Added a team chat system using o /team (message)o

· Added a time that the humans have to survive (eg. 15 minutes) until they win

· Can add item to a player when they become the last human

· Comprehensive config file for lots of customizing capabilities

How to install:

- Download and install TagAPI -http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/tag/

- Download and open Infection.zip
- Go into Infection folder
- Drag and drop Infection.jar and Infection folder into the plugins folder on your server
- ENJOY!!!!!

If you like this dont forget to diamond and have a look at our other stuff!
Credittagapi, shadow618, troyle, trash_cat3000
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.3.1

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by 6_Sided_Pentagon 10/31/2013 10:45:05 amOct 31st, 2013

Refixed a bug associated with the redemption system.

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03/19/2013 12:09 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
How do I use my own map with this plugin?
02/23/2013 10:04 am
Level 47 : Master Turtle
I will make a server with this plugin, and give credits to you good sir! Here's a diamond. (:
12/27/2012 12:51 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Dragon
Could you update this plugin or give me the source.
10/16/2012 10:58 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Zombie
Made a server - no whitelist
10/14/2012 11:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
How can i make it so i cna use my own map?
10/11/2012 12:14 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Zombie
This is really nice!
I want to use it on a server. Only can't you just turn off the hunger bar? And it would be great if the map resets itself after everyone is killed. :)

edit: I tested it, but I can only let one zombie spawn at the beginning. Doesn't matter what percentage I indicate. Also, things like hunger and (potion) effects will not reset after a round is finished. And sometimes players are invisible (it's also an effect, but I turned human redeem off).
09/27/2012 6:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Does it work in lan
09/24/2012 4:11 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
this is a good plugin, good work sir :)
09/24/2012 4:14 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Explorer
thanks :)
09/23/2012 7:26 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior
Is it alright if I make a Server with This Plugin?
