Minecraft Mods

Fantastic Fish alpha v1.4 for 1.7.10 Forge

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JoeTheAntiPro's Avatar JoeTheAntiPro
Level 48 : Master Batman
Ever though the water was a little boring in MC? Think the new 1.8 ocean monuments arent quite enough? Have you ever starved out at sea? Or maybe you just want a fishtank? Then this is the mod for you!

It adds in 14+ new fish mobs into your oceans and several other aquatic creatures! AND YOU CAN EAT THEM ALL! (only most of them actually) :P
The fish will track after and hook themselves on the vanilla rod's lure making them fit in seamlessly with vanilla mechanics. you can also use the new harpoon for spear fishing! all fish can be captured with a net and converted to an item that can be used to re-name the mobs for your own personal aquarium!

Every type fish can be converted into a universal food item called fish fillets for better storage etc. almost every fish comes in 6 differnt sizes. larger fish are more rare, and also the bigger the fish the more fish fillets it gives you.

There is also some fancy new armors like the shell armors & the diver and scuba sets!

also included in this mod is some new features in the ocean terrain such as kelp forests & coral reefs! there is also a new generated structure in villages with a new villager who trades for items in the mod.

for more in-depth info on the mod, visit the link below that leads to the minecraft forums thread all about the mod:


the mod is far from complete, so look forward to tons of new & exciting things in the future! :D
CreditLittleBreadLoaf, kylacraft123, Mystic_Eyes, gothic717433, DJ Persnikity, frag2000
Progress35% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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06/14/2016 1:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
revered3's Avatar
Anyway to get the sharks spawning naturally? I really don't want to cheat them in with a spawn egg.
01/04/2016 6:17 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
CrystalWolf514's Avatar
It crashes my game is their a mod I need to suport it?
02/22/2016 7:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bohemian99's Avatar
same here, i tried many links, but by all of theme mc crashes
12/13/2015 3:16 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
Narwhal_Of_Wisdom's Avatar
in the minecraft forum it said that creatures like koi,narwal,catfish,etc. said *not in alpha* is there a way to get those creatures? is there a version of this mod that has those creatures?
12/12/2015 4:21 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
MustachePandas's Avatar
Nice mod
11/26/2015 12:59 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
coperman945_2's Avatar
I 1000/1000% love this mod, im diamonding, subing, and favoriting this op beast mod!
11/21/2015 12:42 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
AnimalMace's Avatar
11/21/2015 8:38 pm
Level 48 : Master Batman
JoeTheAntiPro's Avatar
eventually., but not yet.
11/26/2015 12:59 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
coperman945_2's Avatar
Btw, my 1.8 mods dont work so I wouldn't download a 1.8 one, just letting ya know :)
10/30/2015 10:22 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Modder
willowjon's Avatar
add something like a boss fish an ender fish!!!!!!!!!! that would be cool
