Minecraft Mods

[1.5.2] Fantasy of Minecraft 2.6 (IT'S BACK!) - Fantasy-RPG Game

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KurodaAkira's Avatar KurodaAkira
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
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Version: 2.6

Mod published and supported by SpellCraft Gaming

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"Fantasy of Minecraft" is a full modification of Minecraft, which turns it into a RPG-like game, I think all of you know "Dungeons & Dragons Online", "World of Warcraft", "Allods", "Lord of the Rings Online", "Runes of Magic" or games like that. That's the goal I want to reach. I know there are lots of projects like this, but I want to be the first by finishing this. So don't tell me that this has been tried many times.

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A List of the finished and planned Features [ Posted Image: finished || Posted Image Posted Image: work in progress || Posted Image: planning]
  • Online features Posted Image
    • automatic language update Posted Image

    • check if an update is available and display it in main menu Posted Image

    • display news in main menu Posted Image

  • Interface Edits
    • Healthbar Posted Image

    • Manabar Posted Image

    • Staminabar Posted Image

    • Armoricons Posted Image

    • Airbar Posted Image

    • Main Menu Posted Image

  • InGame Menu Posted Image
    • Change Texturepacks Posted Image

    • Exit Minecraft Posted Image

  • Info Texts Posted Image
    • Damage Messages Posted Image

    • Critical hit messages Posted Image

    • Level up Messages Posted Image

    • Skill up messages Posted Image

    • Monster Level Posted Image

    • Monster names over the Head of the Monsters Posted Image

    • Monster Health Review Posted Image

  • Races Posted Image
    • Humans Posted Image

    • Elvens Posted Image

    • Orcs Posted Image

    • Dwarfs Posted Image

    • Gnomes Posted Image

    • Halflings/Hobbits Posted Image

    • Devilbreed Posted Image

    • Angelbreed Posted Image

    • Half-elfs Posted Image

    • Specials Posted Image
      • Race modells Posted Image

      • Race skins Posted Image

      • Racechoosing gui Posted Image

      • Race specials Posted Image

  • Classes Posted Image
    • Warrior Posted Image

    • Rogue Posted Image

    • Knights Posted Image

    • Mage Posted Image

    • Druid Posted Image

    • Archer Posted Image

  • Second HandPosted Image
    • Shields Posted Image

    • Two-Hand-Weapons Posted Image

    • Two one-hand-weapons Posted Image

    • Attackspeed Posted Image

  • Skills
    • Active skills Posted Image

    • Battleskills Posted Image

    • Assist skills Posted Image

    • Magic skills Posted Image

    • Battle move skills Posted Image

  • Passive Skills Posted Image
    • More damage Posted Image

    • More health Posted Image

    • More armor Posted Image

    • More mining speed Posted Image

    • more walking speed Posted Image

  • Character Stats Posted Image
    • Strength Posted Image

    • Agility Posted Image

    • Intelligence Posted Image

    • Constitution Posted Image

    • Wisdom Posted Image

    • Charisma Posted Image

  • New inventory Posted ImagePosted Image
    • Smaller Posted Image

    • More quickslots Posted Image

    • More armor slots Posted Image

    • Item Informations Posted Image

  • Backpack Posted Image
    • Bagsettet bigness Posted Image

    • No death-drop Posted Image

  • Mounts Posted Image
    • Horses Posted Image

    • Dragons Posted Image

    • Lions Posted Image

    • Much more Posted Image

    • Tameable Posted Image

    • Trainable Posted Image

    • Have inventory Posted Image

  • Companions Posted Image
    • Can attack Posted Image

    • Give you more Health/mana Posted Image

    • Give you some special skills Posted Image

    • Trainable Posted Image

  • Magic Posted Image
    • Mana Posted Image

    • Attack spells Posted Image

    • Regenaration spells Posted Image

    • Crafting Spells Posted Image

  • Battleskills Posted Image
    • Battle Move Animations Posted Image

  • New Crafting Posted Image
    • Tailoring Posted Image

    • Tannering Posted Image

    • Forgeing Posted Image

    • Alloying Posted Image

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1. Download Forge
2. Go to %appdata%/.minecraft/bin
3. open Minecraft.jar with WinRar or 7Zip
4. Delete the META-INF folder
5. Put all Forge Files in the minecraft.jar (It's important, that you install Forge BEFORE Fantasy of Minecraft!)
6. Start Minecraft and close it at the main menu
7. Download the Fantasy of Minecraft Mod
8. Put all the things in the Fantasy of Minecraft Files Folder in the minecraft.jar (or core mods folder I think :s)
9. Start Minecraft
10. Just wait a bit at the first start (downloading language files etc.)
11. Enjoy!

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- Copper Ingots are made by smelting Copper Ore in the Furnace
- Tin Ingots are made by smelting Tin Ore in the Furnace
- Copper Tools (Shovel, Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Sword) and armor are made the normal way, just with copper ingots
- Tin Tools (Shovel, Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Sword) and armor are made the normal way, just with tin ingots
- Bronze Tools (Shovel, Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Sword) and armor are made the normal way, just with bronze ingots
- bronze ingot are made by smelting copper and tin ingot in the smelter
- The Tanner Stone is made like this: (Use a fur Item instead of the flint!)
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- Knifes are made like this:
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- Leather is made by putting fur in the tanner and use a knife as "fuel" (check screenshot, if you don't understand)
- the smelter is made like this:
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- the forgeblock is made like this:
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- the tailor is made like this:
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- chocolate is made with milk, sugar and a cocoa bean (shapeless)
- the chocolate cake (which isn't a lie Posted Image) is made like the normal cake but with choclate instead of milk
- the candy apple is made with an apple and sugar (shapeless)
- tailor crafting:

  • leather armor
- forge crafting:

  • nether quartz block - quartz recipe

  • nether slab - slab recipe

  • nether quartz slab - slab recipe

  • nether brick stairs - stairs recipe

  • nether fence - fence recipe

  • iron door - door recipe

  • all 4 rails - rail recipe

  • minecart - vehicle recipe

  • cauldron - container recipe

  • bucket - pail recipe

  • flowerpot - pail recipe

  • flint and steel - tool recipe

  • nether quartz stairs - stairs recipe

  • redstone repeater - redstone recipe

  • comparator - redstone recipe

  • clock - redstone recipe

  • compass - redstone recipe

  • iron pressure plate - plate recipe

  • gold pressure plate - plate recipe

  • anvil - container recipe

  • daylight sensor - redstone recipe

  • hopper - redstone recipe

  • iron knife - knife recipe

  • shears - tool recipe

  • gold ingot (with nuggets) - block recipe

  • gold nugget - block recipe

  • nether quartz block - quartz or block recipe

  • iron fence - fence recipe

  • redstone lamp- redstone recipe

  • beacon - container recipe

  • netherbrick - block recipe

  • ender chest - container recipe

  • all ore blocks - block recipe

  • all ingots (with ore blocks) - block recipe

  • copper, tin, bronze, iron, diamond and gold tools and swords - recipe for the tool

  • copper, tin, bronze, iron, diamond and gold armor - recipe for the material

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1. Used Terms
Mod - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
Mojang - Mojang AB
Minecraft - Minecraft Game. A game from Mojang.
Owner - Original author(s) of the Mod. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the Owner has full rights over their Mod despite use of Mojang code.
User- End user of the mod, person installing the Mod.
2. Liability This Mod is provided 'as is' with no warranties, implied or otherwise. The Owner of this Mod takes no responsibility for an damages incurrend from the use of this Mod. This Mod alters fundamental parts of the Minecraft Game, parts of Minecraft may not work with this Mod installed. All damages caused from the use or misuse of this Mod fall on the User.
3. Use Use of this Mod to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the User without restriction.
4. Redistribution This Mod may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the Owner solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the Owner. Any attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, adcraft, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the Owner may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
5. Derivative Works/Modification This Mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this Mod require advance written permission of the Owner and may be subject to certain terms.
Progress15% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.5.2

9 Update Logs

Version 2.6 for MC 1.5.2 : by KurodaAkira 06/21/2013 12:46:02 pmJun 21st, 2013

1. Mechanics
- added recipes to the forge crafting
2. blocks
- ghost block
- wood planks ghost block
- cobblestone ghost block
3. items
- recipe scrolls
4. fixes
- fixed chocolate cake recipe
- fixed candy apple texture

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01/28/2020 4:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxdrpepperxX's Avatar
this really sucks dumb ad fly
09/06/2015 7:57 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
LongtimeTie's Avatar
What a creative mod! I would love to see this updated to 1.7.10 and use it on my own map one day. Keep up the good work :)
Jack Avenger
12/11/2014 10:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jack Avenger's Avatar
Great mod! Have you planned for an update? :)
12/14/2014 1:42 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KurodaAkira's Avatar
yes, I'm working on it. But I'm quite busy so it'll take some time :)
09/24/2014 10:55 am
Level 49 : Master Creeper Hugger
Cookiesz's Avatar
can you update it? it sounds badass :3
09/25/2014 12:02 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KurodaAkira's Avatar
Actually I'm updating it or better recreating it (with a few changes though) :)
It just takes a good amount of time :p
09/25/2014 2:15 am
Level 49 : Master Creeper Hugger
Cookiesz's Avatar
07/23/2014 1:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Jabuto_sama's Avatar
woah. sound nice :8
07/23/2014 2:09 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KurodaAkira's Avatar
Maybe there'll be a future version. Once I worked out how to deal all the stuff with forge :)
07/24/2014 4:25 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Jabuto_sama's Avatar
i'm not sure.... but can you choose race and class? on my minecraft, i get only new items, and that's it. Did i miss something?
