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MMPC stands for Minecraft Moddable Profile Creator. With the new launcher modding has been made harder. Profiles which you create in the launcher don't allow modding as when launched they redownload, making sure they are clean. With MMPC you can create a profile which can be accessed the same way through the launcher but doesnt update on launch meaning you can mod it.
MMPC doesn't download a fresh jar for the new profile. Instead to check you own the game it will get the most recent version from another profile. MMPC is quick and simple. All you need to do is enter a name and click create/
More information on MMPC will be coming soon...
To download you need to click the mirror which will take you to magnet_man16.co.uk where the downloads are located.
Progress | 100% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.6.2 |
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3 Update Logs
Update #3 : by Magnet_man16 07/21/2013 1:32:03 pmJul 21st, 2013
After this update the project will no longer be maintained as it will be integrated into the simple mod installer.
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However, the new launcher does in fact use regular jar files, found in .minecraft/versions/#version name#, which are not re-downloaded upon launch. So you if you want to mod or install mods, you simply create another folder with your version name, then rename the files inside to match it, then add the mod files to the jar. In this way, it actually makes modding easier, because there isn't any frustrating rearrangement of jar files each time you want a different mod. Good job making the process easier for people though.