Minecraft Mods

Shire Decorations

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Level 39 : Artisan Pig
Decoration style pack for Minecolonies Shire build style by Daddy_p1g. I made this stylepack as an addon for my own playthrough because I felt there were some decorations that were missing from the main theme.

Contains the following decorations:
  • 21 - Lamp styles and variations
  • 10 - Paths. 2 cross, 4 long, 4 short
  • 3 - Player portals
  • 3 - Stairs
  • 1 - Pond
  • 1 - Well
A note about the player portal embedded in the tree. The base of the decoration can be embedded into the floor, level with the ground. or you can place it on the surface if you want to step up a level. The portal is accessible from both sides and uses fence gates to keep pigman from entering your colony. Lastly, a decoration controller is hidden on the side to keep the lumberjack from chopping the tree down or allow you to rebuild it should it get damaged for any reason.

Unzip and copy the "shire-decorations" stylepack into the "blueprints" folder for your modpack instance. This folder needs to be placed in "blueprints" directly, do not place in a subfolder.

Some images are from my creative flat world. I will try to update the pictures with those from my actual colony playthrough. But these will have to do for now. It should give you a basic idea of what is included.

While this stylepack is set to 100%, I will probably add more builds as I find gaps in the shire decorations.

I am not a professional stylepack maker for Minecolonies. It's possible I did not build them 100% correct. I followed a few tutorials and did the best I could. Feedback and constructive criticism welcome. Just keep it nice.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.1

1 Update Logs

Update v0.2 : by hogbits 10/16/2024 11:20:14 pmOct 16th, 2024

Added three options for stairs to the pack. Find them listed under the "paths" category.

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10/15/2024 2:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I nice add on pack! Would you consider making some stairs to go with those paths?
10/16/2024 1:02 am
Level 39 : Artisan Pig
Sure, I can take a shot at making some stairs.
10/17/2024 6:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Thanks! I'm working on some new buildings for Shire. I'm one of the folks that worked on Shire for Minecolonies, my main job is to maintain the style, but I did make many of the alternate buildings. Keep up the good work!
