Minecraft Mods

Structure Editor (StrEdit) | edit attributes of structure files

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MaggiCraft's Avatar MaggiCraft
Level 92 : Overlord Programmer

Structure Editor (StrEdit)

Edit structure files with the Structure Editor (short: StrEdit). Structure files are scanned with the Instant Structures Mod (ISM) and have the file extension ".str". The program was originally designed to make it easier to overwork attributes of user structures. You can send your own scanned structures to MaggiCraftInfo@gmail.com and they will be added to ISM.

Editable attributes

StrEdit can not be used to edit stored blocks. It is used to edit information, like the name or genre. For example you can use it to correct typos or incorrect information. Here is a list of editable attributes:
  • file name
  • structure name
  • creator
  • genre
  • link
  • tags
  • description
  • depth of placement

Structure Editor (StrEdit) | edit attributes of structure files Minecraft Mod

1. File Name
The actual file name. StrEdit offers you the option to activate the ISM naming conventions. This feature uses the structure and creator name to create the file name. ISM naming convention: "STRUCTURE NAME (CREATOR NAME)".

2. Structure Name
The most important attribute because it will be displayed on many labels in ISM. For example the structure wiki, windows that pops up before you place a structure or the item name.

3. Creator
It is recommend to use always the same creator name for your structures. The ISM structures wiki displays a own page for every creator who published a structure in ISM.

4. Genres
Structures are divided in 11 different genres.
  • Modern houses
  • Modern structures
  • Medieval buildings
  • Castles
  • Asia buildings
  • Oriental buildings
  • Ships
  • Vehicles
  • Sci-Fi
  • 3D Art
  • Pixel-Art
Every genre has a own page in the structures wiki.

5. Link (optional attribute)
Add a link to your website or the official post of a structure.

6. Tags (optional attribute)
Tags are separated by commas. Tags help to describe your and find structures. Structure name, creator name and genre are already included by default. So don not repeat these attributes.

7. Description (optional attribute)
Write beautiful story about your structure. 2-3 sentences are enough.

8. Depth of Placement
This is one of the important attributes because it affects the placement of a structure. For example a structure contains a basement or is ship, instead of placing the structure at your position, ISM place it a few blocks deeper. It helps to place structures more realistic and more like people expect it. A structure with a 4 blocks deep basement needs the depth 4.
Look at the animated model of your structure. Red squares symbolize the surface of a Minecraft world. All blocks below these square will be placed below the surface.

Non-editable attributes

But a structure file stores a few more attributes that can not be edited. Most of them are important to place a structure correctly. All non-editable attributes are listed below:
  • quantity of stored blocks
  • direction from which it was scanned
  • length, width and height of the structure
  • quantity of different scanned blocks
  • creation date
  • a structure id
  • the Minecraft version it was scanned with
  • the ISM version it was scanned with
  • the version of the scanner
Structure Editor (StrEdit) | edit attributes of structure files Minecraft Mod

How to select structures and folders

Copy a path of a folder that stores structure files in the "input folder" text field. Otherwise you can select one from the structure editor. Select an output folder to save the edited structure files.
All structures stored in the input folder are listed in a drop down menu.
Structure Editor (StrEdit) | edit attributes of structure files Minecraft Mod

Animated model

To support you to change genre or structure name correctly StrEdit animate 3D model of your structure.

You can disable the animation and adjust height, size, rotation and rotation speed of it.

Structure Editor (StrEdit) developed by Marc Schmidt alias MaggiCraft.
StrEditor contains classes of the Apache Software Foundation and packages of JOGL which are licensed under various licenses.

The official StrEdit forum threads and websites are:
CreditMarc Schmidt alias MaggiCraft
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.10

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by MaggiCraft 08/20/2016 1:51:19 pmAug 20th, 2016

-uploaded a file to download
-added license information
-added other credits
-smaller bugfixes

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08/12/2016 10:44 am
Level 36 : Artisan Cake
TheMightyMouse's Avatar
Nice job!

Btw, how did you get to level 88 with 7 posts xD
08/21/2016 6:49 am
Level 80 : Elite Modder
JavaBuckets's Avatar
Quality > Quantity
08/24/2016 9:59 am
Level 36 : Artisan Cake
TheMightyMouse's Avatar
i suppose so :D
