Minecraft Mods

Superflat Revamped [Fabric + Forge]

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Level 59 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Flat worlds are now REVAMPED to make the superflat experience BETTER by:
  1. Removing Slimes spawning (and other mobs)
  2. Removing Villages
  3. Making the grass more vibrant
  4. Nether and End Dimensions are FLAT

Added New World Option:Vanilla Flat” to generate the old flat world with normal nether and end generation

6 NEW Superflat Presets

  • Modern Flat
  • Concrete
  • Taiga
  • Jungle
  • Mushroom
  • Ocean

Most presets have the following layers:

-1 Grass Block
-3 Dirt
-59 Stone
-1 Bedrock
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.4

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Papa Enny
01/16/2025 5:05 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
aren't villages removable in vanilla?
01/16/2025 9:47 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Terraformer
They are but not by default, most players will not go to the editing setting to remove them, this mod removes villages without the need to customize anything. I know its a small change but it is combined with other small changes that make superflat better overall without any customization from the player
