Minecraft Mods

[2.22] Tekkit EE Tool Patch [3.1.2/3.1.3] [Stop The Grief!!!]

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Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
So, I've had complaints about it all the time!
I have finally decided to take matters into my own hands!

It's time for the EEPatch Recompiled for Tekkit Version 3.1.2/3.1.3!!!

Original Tekkit post

EEPatch 2.22 Added:
  • Fixed BHB Dupes (3 dupes total)
  • Fixed Gem of Eternal Density in Energy Condenser
  • Fixed Transmutation Dupe
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.2.5

1 Update Logs

V 2.22 : by dreadend 12/26/2012 8:18:52 pmDec 26th, 2012

  • Fixed BHB Dupes (3 dupes total)
  • Fixed Gem of Eternal Density in Energy Condenser
  • Fixed Transmutation Dupe

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02/18/2014 12:46 pm
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
Does this make the RM tools log events to bukkit though?
05/22/2013 10:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
So does this patch things that the offical EE2 bukkit port doesn't?
02/25/2013 6:46 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Nice job on the BHB dupes. Sadly trans dupes are still alive and kicking. Although not sure which trans dupes this is suppose to fix. But, trans table can still fall into negative (even worse with lag).

Anybody looking for a quick rm dupe fix: kill shift click and inv slot 53 (I think) or ban rm furnace in the EE config.
You will need to be able to write your own plugin for this, dont bother asking me how, I wont tell you :P
01/09/2013 1:15 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
1. RM furnaces still dupe. Tested this. Yes did it install it correctly. Did it 3 times.
I use tekkit 3.1.2 with the bukkit that comes with 3.1.2
01/05/2013 2:30 pm
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
01/04/2013 11:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Installed it, towny can detect it now. but the dupes arent fixed?
12/27/2012 7:25 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
why there is no any update? only the 1.3 version?
You Bitch! This Mod Sucks! it is only for 1.3 version! not 1.4.6!
Dick Biscuit!
01/15/2014 11:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
its for 1.2.5 aka ee2 ee3 shouldent have that glitch and ee3 is for 1.3 (not suere about that i skiped playing 1.3 since i had so many mods installed) and above
02/11/2013 11:23 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
WOW..Look punk, Dude put some time into this, don't like it for FREE go write your own you idiot. It sucks because it does not work the way you want it too? Did mommy and daddy play basketball with your skull or are you just some idiot 5 year old with no life? It's people like you who give HUMANS bad names.. You sir are a DOUCHE, and your parents should be neutered to prevent them from fowling the earth with more like you.
12/29/2012 9:32 pm
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
-.- why dont you complain to the mod-maker who in the process of making EE3? This is for EE2, which is only compatible with [1.25].

Hell, why dont you use google for a change?
