Minecraft Mods

Useless No More!

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Level 47 : Master Blob
Useless No More is a Minecraft mod currently in development with the goal of bringing functionality and purpose to overlooked blocks, items, and entities, transforming them into meaningful and engaging gameplay features.

Sniffer and its Features

The Sniffer, while intriguing, can feel like a tedious addition due to its limited reward: two flowers with no significant utility. To make the Sniffer more rewarding, functionality has been added to the Torchflower and Pitcher Plant.

    • Torchflower: The Torchflower now emits light, which was the obvious thing to add. Additionally, it burns entities that come into contact with it (except for items), making it an effective option for automated mob farms. The Torchflower can also be crafted into a new item, Glow Pollen, which can be applied to any flower to make it emit light.

Useless No More! Minecraft Mod

Useless No More! Minecraft Mod

Useless No More! Minecraft Mod

    • Pitcher Plant: The Pitcher Plant can now be used to craft Pitcher Acid, a unique item that can oxidize copper blocks. The acid can be applied by hand or via dispensers, adding versatility to its use. While it’s technically consumable, drinking it is not recommended.

Furnace Minecart Overhaul

The Furnace Minecart, often considered one of Minecraft’s most underwhelming features, has been revitalized with several enhancements. These features draw inspiration from the Cammie’s Minecart Tweaks mod, with additional customization options.

    • Chunk Loading: When active, the Furnace Minecart can now load chunks, making it viable for long-distance transport. This feature can be toggled using the doFurnaceMinecartLoadChunks gamerule.

    • Improved Speed: Furnace Minecarts are slightly faster than before but remain slower than powered rails. This speed can be adjusted with the furnaceMinecartSpeed gamerule (default: 7, powered rail speed: 8).

    • Extended Burn Time: The maximum burn time has been increased, allowing the minecart to travel longer distances. This is controlled by the furnaceMinecartMaxBurnTime gamerule (default: 72,000 ticks, up from 36,000 in vanilla).

    • Fuel Flexibility: Furnace Minecarts can now use any fuel type, a feature controlled by the doFurnaceMinecartUseAllFuels gamerule.

    • Visual Improvements: The minecart’s particles now match the campfire particle effect, providing a more aesthetically pleasing look. This can be toggled with the doFurnaceMinecartUseCampfireParticles gamerule.

Guardian Enhancements

The final change currently implemented focuses on the Guardians and Elder Guardians. While these mobs aren't inherently useless, their drops have been expanded to provide more utility, inspired by a video by PeachieDotZip.

    • Guardian Spikes: Guardians now drop Guardian Spikes, which can be used to craft Guardian Arrows. These special arrows are unaffected by water, making them highly effective for underwater combat.

    • Elder Guardian Spikes: Elder Guardians now drop Elder Guardian Spikes, which can be used to craft Tridents. This change makes the Trident more accessible, removing the reliance on rare drops from Drowned or loot from Trial Chambers.

Future Development

Development on Useless No More will continue as I work to add more features to revitalize overlooked aspects of the game. If you have any suggestions, remarks, or ideas, I’d be incredibly grateful to hear them—your feedback can help shape the future of the mod!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.1

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01/20/2025 11:34 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
Just... incredible
