Minecraft Mods

Good Night's Sleep Dimensions 1.6.2

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tippyfoo's Avatar tippyfoo
Level 53 : Grandmaster Modder
Good Night's Sleep Beta 2.2.1 for 1.6.2

Your dreams... are new worlds for you to explore.

Pretty emotional, right?

here is the link to the highly-emotional GNS trailer (made by me): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF83cOo3Jto&feature=youtu.be

and here is the link to my youtube video preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG7lTrIUX8Y (for the alpha version)


The Good Night's Sleep mod adds two new dimensions, the good dream and the nightmare. Each dream land is accessed through sleeping in its corresponding bed, rather than stepping through a portal.

As of now the good dream is far more developed than the nightmare. Therefore, I have made a recipes.png that displays all the good dream recipes. I only included the good dream recipes because:

- I am not as far with programming the nightmare

- the recipes for the nightmare are almost exactly parallel to the good dream

Eventually, the mod will be complete with a variety of ores/materials, mobs, dungeons, bosses, and maybe even custom sound effects.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. After all, this mod is only in its beta stage.

This also means there are some bugs to be found. Finding them and sharing them is also a great help for me and the mod.

There is more info on the CurseForge page, which is the current download link

Have a good night's sleep.


Installation (in READ_ME as well)================

- Download the recommended version of Minecraft Forge installer from: http://files.minecraftforge.net/

- Run the installer with Java SE Binary

- Download mod_GoodNight'sSleep.zip from the CurseForge link

- Drag and drop files from mod_GoodNightsSleep.zip into .minecraft/versions/(forge_version)/(forge_version).jar

or simply place mod_GoodNightsSleep.zip in .minecraft/mods folder

If you wish to use this mod in a mod pack or use the code for private use in some way, you must have my permission. All mirrors of this mod must have permission. Any attempt to make money off of this mod is strictly prohibited.
CreditThe_Skeleton_Killer for ideas and textures; Inspiration from pyroland
Progress65% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.2

7 Update Logs

Beta 2.3.2 for 1.6.4 : by tippyfoo 09/23/2013 2:59:06 pmSep 23rd, 2013

- stews now work in the nightmare again

- strange bed no longer crashes game upon clicking on it

- added a goodnightssleep config directory

- added a DataGNS file

- increased compatibility with other biome mods (new biome id generator method)

- updated for 1.6.4 compatibility; this does not work with 1.6.2!

- Enirboreh evomer ot deliaf

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02/21/2020 11:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
BeardedGoof's Avatar
If anyone is looking for the 1.15.2 version, you can get it from the link in this review :)

02/15/2017 2:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
AwareStatic's Avatar
This looks really cool! I hope I can download it once i get home :D
11/01/2016 1:16 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Modder
tippyfoo's Avatar
Seriously, let me know if you guys are still interested in seeing this mod get updated!

11/01/2016 1:14 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Modder
tippyfoo's Avatar

Hey everyone.

Happy Halloween!

I am not dead, I swear.

Sorry for just abandoning this mod ages ago. After the 1.7 and 1.8 Minecraft Forge updates, there were some major changes that made this mod beyond repair. I also stopped playing Minecraft for a while.

But... Thanks to some of my friends who happened to be playing Minecraft the other day, I decided to revisit this mod and see if I can "resurrect" it.

So... over the past two weeks, because I am slightly insane, I basically re-coded the mod from the ground up to work with MC Forge 1.10.2 (there were over 1700 compiler errors to start out with). I haven't even added textures and item names yet, and even worse, I don't have the latest version of my source code to work with, so some content from the nightmare is missing at the moment.

Getting this mod back to where it was will take a very long time, but I just wanted to give anyone that still follows this forum a heads-up.

I just need to stay motivated - we will see how far I get.
09/23/2016 11:20 am
Level 37 : Artisan Warrior
KanOfSoda's Avatar
I remember when DanTDM made a vid of this in his older videos :D
04/16/2015 1:33 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
SpagBolChomper's Avatar
I fainted after whatching the vid!
07/30/2014 8:12 pm
Level 25 : Expert Modder
TheKonnerKraft's Avatar
update to 1.7.2 please i miss this mod sooooooo much :(
06/22/2014 5:52 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Toast
_Hellcat_'s Avatar
The textures aren't working for me, they show up as the pink and black default blocks
06/07/2014 11:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Sushibenji's Avatar
I cant download it :(
12/01/2013 2:14 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
cooljfh123's Avatar
get the bear grylls mod eats rainbow ingot says IT TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS!!! explodes
