Minecraft Mods

WorldEdit Vim

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Level 49 : Master Miner

This client-side mod adds a command mode, which you toggle by pressing " ` " (backtick). In this mode you can execute whole WorldEdit commands by pressing only a few buttons (or even one for the simplest ones).

For instructions on how to use, refer to this github repo: https://github.com/ThinCan/Vim-WorldEdit

How to install:
Download fabric for your Minecraft version (the mod supports versions from 1.19.3 to 1.20.1), download this mod, put it inside the mods folder - and you're good to go.

What you need:

Server with WorldEdit plugin, permissions to execute WorldEdit commands, and this mod.

Beware, that this modification is in the testing phase, so sometimes it may crash your game (though it did not happen to me yet and I've done few constructions with it).

I don't plan on releasing it on forge or other MC versions (well, not for other versions right now).

Please, share any feedback with me.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.1

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by MarioRashi1 08/26/2024 1:55:10 pmAug 26th, 2024

### Contract command
Contract command no longer needs number keys - if no number was enter, it defaults to 1.

### Movement
Starting from version `1.0.2`, you can move without exiting the command mode (for example to copy, flip and paste selection that does not have a single center and requires you to strafe one block to the left or right).
To do that, you can now press the arrow keys. Arrow keys can be repeated with "`.`" command and combined with number keys to move farther than one block. For example: `Arrow up` teleports you forward, `Arrow right` teleports you to the right, relative to the current looking direction. `Shift + Arrow Up` and Shift + `Arrow down` moves up and down.

### Saving positions and teleporting (bookmarks)
Starting from version `1.0.2`, you can save locations to teleport to them later (kinda like sethome).
To save a location, you need to position yourself at a place of interest, and then type a number: it can be 1, 2, 3, etc. up to 2147483647; then you need to press `Shift + '"` (that's an apostrophe).
If you do it again, you will overwrite this location with your current one.
To teleport to that location, you enter the corresponding number and press `'`.
You can also press `'` alone, and it will take you to the previous location.
This can be pressed multiple times to teleplort back and forth between two locations, allowing for great manoeuvrability.

### Exiting command mode with 'W'
You can now exit command mode with 'W' to immediately start walking forwards - super useful.

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04/17/2023 8:28 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Programmer
04/18/2023 5:01 am
Level 49 : Master Miner
04/18/2023 11:52 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Programmer
