Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

1-Second Maze Generator

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Level 22 : Expert Engineer

1-Second Redstone Maze

This map is a world download for a redstone maze that can completely generate or regenerate in a single second. It includes a 16x16 maze with rooms connected by piston doors, as well as a redstone lamp display showing the current maze.

The generator relies on the experimental redstone features, and runs in Java 1.21.4.

The generator can be swapped between multiple configurations, including a Binary Tree maze and the Hilbert Lookahead maze, an algorithm created specifically for maze generation in Minecraft.

The maze included in this map is 16x16 rooms, though the cells are tileable to any rectangular size.
The playable layer of the maze has simple stone rooms connected by piston doors:
A single maze room

The display layer of the maze uses redstone lamps to show the connections of the maze:
The redstone lamp display of the maze

The configuration layer controls which pattern is used for the algorithm. There are 4 preset algorithms, and command block controls to swap between them. There's also the option to create your own patterns. Note that, once the configuration is set, the generator does not need the command blocks to run:
The configuration layer of the generator

You can also view the history of the cell structure over time as I refined the design:
Multiple iterations of a single cell
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