This Map is an entry in the completed Chunk Challenge : Solo Build Contest #4.

Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

10,000 Feet Under The Sea - Chunk Challenge (25th)

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F4llenW4rlord's Avatar F4llenW4rlord
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter

Story Pt.1
Story Pt.2
Story Pt.3
10,000 Feet Under The Sea
was a project I designed over the course of two hours, (rendering and photoshopping about two hours as well), all to fulfil two purposes:
1: To attempt a more sci-fi, futuristic style of build, one that I admit that I envy heavily seeing other builders and teams achieve.
2: To use this and try to portray the message of the existing threat of rising sea levels and extreme weather, this all due to climate change:
We are finding ourselves to be having more and more extreme weather. Our hots are hotter, our colds are colder, we are getting more hurricanes, tornadoes, and other kinds of dangerous weather. The Earth is being mistreated, and all that is happening is a natural reaction to the increase of consumption of greenhouse gases.
We, like Steve in this story, must all prepare ourselves with the utmost urgency, to find and utilise other alternatives to climate change, not for our safety, but for the safety for our future humans, for when we are long gone from this Earth.
Our planet is in a crisis, and we:
Must. Take. Action.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

You may:
  • Copy, distribute, display and perform the work, for non-commercial purposes only. (Single-player, showing to friends, etc, etc..)
  • Create and distribute derivative works, but only under the same or a compatible license.
You may NOT:
  • Copy, distribute, display and perform the work for commercial purposes (Putting them on your server for profit, taking these as your own.)

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Render update : by F4llenW4rlord 07/18/2016 6:18:03 amJul 18th, 2016

Decided to do some less dark renders in order to give a clearer view of the build, hopefully boosting the presentation slightly.

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08/29/2016 8:25 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Ouroula8hd's Avatar
nice one
08/29/2016 4:10 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
F4llenW4rlord's Avatar
Thanks man. :)
07/24/2016 7:51 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Steve
StevenWay's Avatar
So about 3 kilometers, wonder what kind of creatures life there.. there is a lot of pressure
07/24/2016 9:24 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
F4llenW4rlord's Avatar
I dunno. 10,000 Feet just sounded like a really cool title, lmfao.
07/13/2016 9:52 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
TurtleBrownie's Avatar
extremely exquisite! Keep up the good work!
07/14/2016 3:34 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
F4llenW4rlord's Avatar
Thanks, man! A diamond would be appreciated. ;)
07/14/2016 3:35 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
F4llenW4rlord's Avatar
Oh, btw: Your contest project is cool, too!
07/06/2016 2:45 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Looks pretty awesome and unique.

Well done and good luck with the contest although you're competition ;-)
07/06/2016 5:56 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
F4llenW4rlord's Avatar
Thanks, dude! The amount of diamonds I have was quite a downfall from my last two projects, but hopefully I get enough to get into the finals.

Good luck to you, too!
07/03/2016 10:22 am
Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
donkishock's Avatar
really beautiful
