Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

10k by 10k Fantasy Map - Dawnfury Server

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Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Hello, thanks for taking the time to click on this.

This is for the new and upcoming server, Dawnfury. Feel free to check some lore out, and the main description of the server by clicking on my name, and going to the About section.

Anyway, time for some lore and explanation.

Plains - A flat and open wasteland, with a few massive tree patches. The main city of the humans reisde here, under Emperor Carlton's command.

Snow - The toughest of humans live here, with harsh conditions and little to no vegatation, it is a tough surrounding, but adventure is found everywhere.

Mesa - Home to the orcs, a rigid and dangerous terrain. Only the darest of climbers decide to challenge the cliffs and peaks of the mesa.

Orange Mesa - A smaller version of the mesa, it is orange, that's about it.

Mushroomia - Home to the fairy's, this place is populate with mushrooms and magical creatures. A home for the ones who look for peace and harmony.

Nether - Nor beast or man dares to go here, but only the ones under Morkad's command. The god of death and pain.

Desert - A barren, and sandy mass, this is home to the only few villages and forts home to all type's of species.

Wasteland - A place of death and daring, only the ones looking for blood come here.

Badlands - Home to the Immortals, and the beastly creatures that roam the hill sides, it is a savannah like place, were there are few trees.

Jungle - A dense and tall forest, home to the only ones who can take advantage of it. The elfs.

Swamps - Home to a lizard like race, the drakin, they are known for their shady deals and pick pocketing habbits.

I will be posting 2 seperate projects, one for the map, and one for the map/structure. Thanks!


Interested in joining the team? Feel free to shoot me a PM, we are accepting all types of staff!


Author: Padvender
This beautiful masterpeice was created by the amazing Padvender! All credit goes to him, thanks Pad!
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Dawnfury 07/19/2015 1:06:25 amJul 19th, 2015

Accidentally clicked 10%. Thanks.

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04/14/2019 4:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Any download link for this? I'd love to download this map.
09/11/2016 6:07 pm
Level 20 : Expert Blacksmith
I love how you copied the wall from game of thrones xD
Great map though!
01/02/2016 2:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sorry im kinda confused, will we have access to the save file or no?
07/29/2015 7:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
08/03/2015 5:56 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
A download link would tip
le pros
07/21/2015 1:16 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
Wow, I'm really exited for when this goes to server, this is amazing!!! Nether and ice biomes are favorites, any chance I could get the schematic (BO2) for the nether crystals?
07/21/2015 6:28 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Hey, thanks for the feedback. Feel free to PM me and we can get you setup!
07/20/2015 5:02 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Wow!  You've done an amazing job with this!  Mind if I feature this in Week in Review?
07/20/2015 6:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Go for it. Feel free to leave a link and please PM me once it's posted, I would like to see it. Thanks!
07/20/2015 4:04 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Fox
Very nice :)
