Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

(1.2.5) (MOD REQUIRED) PowerCraft Scavenger Hunt

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TeamnNorad's Avatar TeamnNorad
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer


So, one day i was derping around on Planet Minecraft when a realized, there is little to no mod based maps available on this site! So, i came up with an idea, the PowerCraft scavenger hunt. It has a few challenges, but mostly it's a social experiment on how much people like mod based maps. PowerCraft link; Click me or else.


-Play on Normal or Easy
-Complete the objectives in the order you see fit.
-You may destroy whatever you like, but if you somehow get yourself trapped in the middle of a lava lake, it's not really my problem.
-There's plenty of food in your house's fridge, so please spare any stray animals you find :,(
-If any of the objective items get incinerated, blown up, sucked into a black hole and are unable to reach due to the properties of the gravitational event horizon, ect. , than they still count as being found.
-Have fun or you're disqualified.


-Find at least one of each kind of power crystal
-Find all of the records
-Kill at least 20 hostile mobs
-Mine at least 3 stacks of cobblestone (blocks mined from machines or found in chests count)

Bonus objectives;

-Don't cheat at all
-Build a Nether Portal
-Turn all spawners you find into pig spawners via an Activation Crystal
-Set yourself on fire with a flame charge, redstone, and a dispenser
-Do all of the objectives while reciting every OOTS comic's dialogue in Pig Latin, from comic #34 to #257 (Not really)
-Make a boat and go down the waterslide outside of your house
-Have your friend play it first, time him, and beat his time.
-Take a screenshot of your inventory with all of the items and tweet them to @CJ_906 (and then follow said account please :D )

Progress100% complete

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