Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

ПРИП'ЯТЬ 1970 | PRYP'YAT 1970 - City Memorial Road Sign - Ukrainian SSR

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Erticz's Avatar Erticz
Level 42 : Master Architect


A sign commemorating the city of Pripyat (Прип'ять), built in 1970, is available along the entrance to the city, where every traveler could see it made in a modern socialist style, making an impression on the citizens of the then Soviet Union. The commemorative sign followed the city for over 16 years, until the Disaster in Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on 26 April 1986. Pripyat and the town of Chernobyl are located in the Soviet Union, more precisely in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, over 100 km north of Kiev- the capital of Ukraine.

The city was created especially for the employees of the Power Plant (symbolically named Atomgrad, Atom = Nuclear, Град = meaning of City), were they lived in comfortable conditions, much better than the rest of the citizens of the USSR and Ukraine. After the disaster, all resident of the city and surrounding villages in the area of 30 km were displaced, and in the now area are created the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, because of high level of radiation.

In reality, the sign looked like this (The photo is from the pre-disaster times-1980s):
ПРИП'ЯТЬ 1970 | PRYP'YAT 1970 - City Memorial Road Sign - Ukrainian SSR Minecraft Map

Currently, after more than 35 years, the sign is repainted one in a while. Unfortunately, it didn't happened without the vandalism of illegal "Stalkers" visiting the Exclusion Zone, who were able to paint over the sign with inappropirate and controversial slogans in one night. It is currently trying to register future vandals, but such things have already happened a several times.
The sign is an important reminder of the biggest nuclear catastrophy in XX Century, as a remnant of a modern city that lost over 50.000 people in one day. It is a sad and inlightening story that cannot be forgotten. Therefore, it is important to keep it in good quality by the Exclusion Zone conservators. And still available to see.

Creator: Erticzeq.
Progress100% complete

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09/24/2022 8:26 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
UkraineDream's Avatar
Re-upload download link to the site, please! This is pretty realistic and cool town sign!
08/16/2021 4:18 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
MaxForDayz's Avatar
08/16/2021 4:45 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Erticz's Avatar
Thanks! :)
