Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

[3K x 4K] Januun

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Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
The Island of Januun (1.18.2 and higher)

Januun is a small and simple island. It's a forest and plains island with large mountains. It has plenty of flat areas which are great for building large structures without having to clear out a bunch of land.

This map is best for creative building and leaves a lot of room for your ideas. You can add your own trees, towns, change materials or create new biomes. Perhaps you could turn this into a map for a minigame, like Survival Games or anything else you'd like.

This map is a part of the Paralon world and is a few thousand blocks off of the eastern coast of the continent Proelis.


Check out the Paralon World Project here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/paralon-an-epic-new-world-50k/

Visit our website for more information on The Paralon Project: www.paralon.net/1091

Join our discord server: https://discord.com/invite/C8PWPxA
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Terralon 06/18/2022 6:28:11 pmJun 18th, 2022

new download link available

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07/12/2022 5:23 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Looks amazing, how deep is the seabed Im wondering?
07/15/2022 4:24 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
IIRC it goes down to 20 or 24 at the deepest. But the oceans are going to get deeper soon since we have an extra 64 blocks of space now :)
11/23/2020 8:33 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Pirate
Is this survival ready?
11/23/2020 10:30 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
Sort of, but there are no caves or strongholds. This map is better for creative building.
11/17/2020 1:01 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
This is a lovely island map! I especially enjoy the cliffs and other geographic features that are sensible but majestic.
