Minecraft Maps / Other

A [Chisel and Bits] Studio

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Level 39 : Artisan Goblin
Hi, recently I've found a mod called chisel and bits and was inspired to make a build using it. It was a mistake
So here it is! A 26 sqm studio c:

It turned out pretty nice, I personally like it :p
However, in the end build turned out somewhat smaller than expected (not in RL scale, but in MC scale) so i couldn't put as much detail into it.

If you think I could've done something bigger, you're being mistaken - even this tiny build took me about 6 hours in total, so yep.
If you like what you see, consider giving this build a diamond ;)

In the end I realized that there's actually no need to post the build itself as literally no one would ever need it, so I've just posted some screenshots.
Progress100% complete

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07/09/2019 5:10 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Dude chisel & bits is some thing vanilla minecraft needs, good job.
