Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

A Space Station - Inspired by the Vaiken SpaceDock from Star Wars

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Quarron's Avatar Quarron
Level 31 : Artisan Miner

inspired by the Vaiken SpaceDock from "Star Wars - The Old Republic" I created a Space Station for my son.

The map is based on Minecraft 1.16.3 and MobSpawning is disabled as parts of the station are not Spawn save. My main purpose of it is the use as a Teleporter Hub to enter other worlds.

The Space Station itself is not small, it has a diameter from 323 Blocks and a height of 240. This makes a total of around 25 million blocks which why I did not create a Schematic of it.

In this station there are 4 areas, the Hangar Area, the Main Ring, the Farm Area and the Garden.

From the top to the bottom:

The Garden:
Here you can find a relax area with trees, flowers, bees, rabbits and fishes. From the story this is the area from where the station get its air. It is like an habitat.

The Main Ring:
The Main Ring has different areas as well. It as a shape like the Vaiken SpaceDock with the inner ring, a higher middle area and an outer ring on the same level as the inner ring.
  • The inner ring contains the access to the Hangars and the Guest Rooms.
  • From the middle area you can access the Garden and also the Farm Area. In the middle area there are also the Guest Suites located.
  • The outer Ring is the vendor area. Villagers with all professions except the Farmer are settled here. All villagers here were leveled manually to their Master grade to get the most random offers, except the Librarians. Because of the huge range of offers, the Librarians were created with 5 categories of enchanted books, General, Ocean, Melee, Ranged and Armor. The prices, discounts and penalties are on the normal offer level, only the books are summarized per category. Like the other villagers the Librarians can be zombiefied and cured to get the best discounts.

The Farm Area:
In the Farm Area you can find Farmers which take care about the four major plants, wheat, beetroot, carrots and potatoes. The livestock can be found here too. Cows, pigs, sheep and chicken are around the Farmers in separate enclosures. This area is hold more functional than shiny.

The Hangar Area:
The Hangar Area is sectioned into 4 Hangars with different purposes, the Player's Hangar, the Guest Hangar, the Cargo Hangar and the Shuttle Take Offs.
  • The Player's Hangar contains my special version of the Ebon Hawk (originally build by iknowkungfu) and the Player's Office with Office, Working and Sleeping areas.
  • The Guest Hangar can be accessed by passing a customs installation and you will find different ships here. A few V-Wings are standing next to some Delta7s and a Y-Wing. All these ships are made by Gumli , many thanks that I can use them.
  • In the Cargo Hangar you will find a couple of Cargo stuff, the Cargo office for incoming and outgoing goods and an YT-2400 Light Freighter. The YT-2400 is made by Mr_Fear . Many thanks for let me use it.
  • The Shuttle Take Offs I will use for the teleports to the other worlds and back. It contains 12 counters for the destinations which has a command block for the teleport under each desk. In the Hangar itself a Genesis Assault Shuttle is placed for the "transportation". Again many thanks to Mr_Fear, he is the creator of this shuttle as well.
Each Hangar has also a visitors place in the second floor.

Have fun with this build :-)

Creditiknowkungfu, Gumli & Mr_Fear for the ship models.
Progress100% complete

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Comparatorcraft SMP
02/01/2021 7:02 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Comparatorcraft SMP's Avatar
Hello can you please provide a schematic?
10/09/2020 11:44 am
Level 28 : Expert Miner
Mindlesshas234's Avatar
will this work on 1.12.2?
10/10/2020 4:09 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
Quarron's Avatar
I don't think so. I used some blocks and Equipment from 1.16, e.g. the Crying Obsidian outside or the Netherite Armor/Weapon/Tools in the EbonHawk.
To this my attempt was to use the in 1.16 introduced teleport between dimensions without using Multiverse or similar addons in my final server implementation. I just needed to write a small Bukkit addon to register my other worlds on my Paper server and since then I can use the build-in commands from 1.16 to travel between the worlds/dimensions.
10/07/2020 11:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3252103G's Avatar
Wow... Its amazing!
