Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Adharra - Dark Elves Desert City - Fables and Fantasy RP

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Fables and Fantasy RP's Avatar Fables and Fantasy RP
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mage
Nation/settlement: Adharra - Dark Elves

Short description:
The Azari'lunn of Adharra have longed for a homeland far away from their High Elven kin. Since then their Corsair ships landed on the golden shores of Anjyarr. After conquering the land for their own they set up grand palaces and build great statues. They train their magic in the dark hoping one day to conquer the ancestral Azari lands. They sculpt their statues, hoping one day that they might come alive to do the fighting for them...

All rights of this map and screenshots are reserved to Fables and Fantasy, previously known as Feudalrealms


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Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Fables and Fantasy RP 10/07/2022 5:06:27 amOct 7th, 2022

New trailer

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03/29/2021 7:07 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
honeydewglxss's Avatar
Will this be available for download?
Fables and Fantasy RP
04/07/2021 5:36 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mage
Fables and Fantasy RP's Avatar
No but you can check it out on our server, we'll give you a tour!
