Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Airbus/Eurocopter EC 120B Colibri, Helicopter [With Download]

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Level 87 : Elite Sweetheart Pegasus
Hello all :) Been quite some time since I have built a helicopter. The Eurocopter EC120. Is a light utility helicopter produced by Airbus/Eurocopter. First introduced in 1998, and built up until 2015. Powered by a 1 504HP turbine engine. The chopper has a cruise speed of 140mph, and has a service ceiling of 16,990 ft.

All my builds are free of use with credit

Notice: This is built in 1.16, banners, and other blocks may not copy over with other versions

Notice: Make sure to use //paste -a to ignore the air blocks
Progress100% complete

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10/02/2021 5:37 pm
Level 20 : Expert Waffle
why make it in 1.16 if you can make it in 1.17
10/02/2021 5:41 pm
He/They • Level 87 : Elite Sweetheart Pegasus
I made it 1.16. Because that is the game version, that I currently have worldedit mod for. Haven't tested it, but should be able to load it into a 1.17 worldedit without issues?

I will update, and install worldedit for 1.17, and build in that version some time in the future.
10/02/2021 5:39 pm
Level 20 : Expert Waffle
also how do you make it work with litematica
10/02/2021 6:08 pm
He/They • Level 87 : Elite Sweetheart Pegasus
I am unsure of that, as I have never used Litematica before
