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Entity Builds
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
A color pallet of houses! Albanese is our most recent Minecraft Marketplace Map! Explore a colorful town on the base of a hill and secrets to be discovered as you journey through survival!

See it on the Marketplace! https://mcmarket.place/?id=e8733fe0-9603-467d-b363-6cc0df816b57

Built By: Qu1nten

Build Team Website: www.entitybuilds.com/

Follow us on Twitter to keep up to date: twitter.com/EntityBuilds

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We hope you liked our build project! If you did please give us a diamond and support us further!
Progress100% complete

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10/27/2018 9:55 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect

Great great work, good use of colors, instead of all being grey
no shaders, default pack, and everything still looks awesome, that means it a true good build ;)

Entity Builds
10/28/2018 1:34 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Wow! Thank you so much for the kind words, we'll make sure to keep coloring-up our builds hahaha!
10/29/2018 12:50 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
half the people that build anything always use the same old blocks, stone, stone bricks, cobble, etc, hence so many projects end up being massive grey piles, hence why I truly admire anyone that just goes out making builds with full colors.
