Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Aqua Land - Minecraft Water Park [BETA]

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Level 20 : Expert Dragon
A Description come soon ;)

Additional Notes

CreditNight2078, xXAndroXx, DaviCis
Progress20% complete

1 Update Logs

A New Beginning #1 : by DaviCis 12/18/2013 12:44:39 pmDec 18th, 2013

Ladies and gentlemen,
we have start to build a new Minecraft water amusement park Map. This is a new beginning for us, because we weren 't very happy as well. First we had a FlatMap but in time we found out that this map type is not very characteristic and it looks very artificial. So we have still decided to make an new Map with hils valleys lakes seas and so more.

I hope you can understand our decision. Screenshots and video are processed.

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08/27/2013 9:41 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
ich bin deutsch :D wann wird die welt fertig sein?
12/22/2013 7:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Momentan haben wir noch keinen Release Termin dafür aber du könntest dich auf unserem Forum schlau machen denn da posten wir regelmäßig upates für die Karte ;)
