Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Arc of Nisyros: 5000x5000 #ConquestReforged #WeAreConquest

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DarthEnigma's Avatar DarthEnigma
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Arc of Nisyros is my largest project to date: 25 square kilometers of Conquest Reforged terrain. It took me three and a half weeks to complete, between custom objects, World Machine, and WorldPainter. It was made in response to the need on my home server, Conquest Reforged, for a new map to build on. I was instructed to make Mediterranean terrain, so I studied the area and its unique environments, focusing on Italy and Sicily. With the tools available in Conquest Reforged, I was able to make some very original and imaginative biomes. On this map, you will find the following, among other things:
  • Four mountains
  • Two volcanoes, including a dormant volcanic island
  • Many other interesting islands and sea stacks
  • Garrigue scrubland
  • Orange groves and olive groves
  • Fields inspired by Tuscany and the Val d'Orcia
  • Volcanic wasteland
  • Beaches and sea cliffs
  • Deciduous forests
  • Coniferous forests
  • Five lakes
  • A glacier
  • Meadow clearings and alpine meadows
  • Much more, if you explore!
This map will be appearing on the Conquest Reforged server in the near future, so you can also check it out there. Now, for the background information. The biggest single source of inspiration was Sicily, especially for the hotter parts of the map, the volcanoes, the broom trees, etc. Some of the garrigue inspiration was more from south France. The northern forests, mountains, glacier, etc. were inspired by central and northern Italy, stretching towards the Alps. The name was a combination of Arc, from the the term referring to a chain of mountains or volcanoes, and Nisyros, a volcanic island that is part of Greece. Expect the 100+ custom objects from this map, The Black Forest, and The Indian Summer soon. And here's an Imgur album of project pictures, for good measure. If you got this far through, I commend you! Enjoy!

Shaders: SEUS
CreditDukonred1- edited shots Zitzabis- renders
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by DarthEnigma 04/08/2017 8:20:14 pmApr 8th, 2017

Updated the map to the current version of the Conquest Reforged mod using the Conquest Reforged map converter program.

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07/15/2017 6:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Shadow6613's Avatar
I'm starting a new minecraft roleplay series on Youtube. I'm looking for a landscape to build on for said Roleplay series. I would love nothing more than to use this map as the landscape for my YouTube series. I won't be making any money off this and I would give you all the credit for the landscape (link to download, credit, ect.) Would you be ok with me using your landscape for my (non profit) YouTube series?

I ask because I'm amazed at this awesome landscape you've created. =D
07/16/2017 8:33 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
DarthEnigma's Avatar
Yes, I'm okay with it. Two things: link it here, and keep in mind that this map is not compatible with default Minecraft.
07/16/2017 10:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Shadow6613's Avatar
Yup! Got it! Thanks!
06/10/2017 11:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Ofghanirre's Avatar
A great work ! Can only say gg ! #Weareconquest
06/10/2017 1:41 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
DarthEnigma's Avatar
04/19/2017 1:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RKDaSlayer123's Avatar
Does this map cut off at the edges? Or is it an island, really like the terrain
04/19/2017 6:57 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
DarthEnigma's Avatar
Cuts off.
04/15/2017 5:14 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Tilairgan's Avatar
You do the most beautiful world generation? I must ask, and will try not to be too optimistic, do you allow people to use these wonderful maps for their builds and Machinimas, with credit of course?
04/15/2017 5:56 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
DarthEnigma's Avatar
I would make one for a commission for a Machinima, but I don't feel comfortable letting people use them for Machinimas for free because of their potential to make a lot of money off of the Machinima. I'm fine with server use and basic video use, but probably not Machinima use.
04/15/2017 8:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
_Specktator_'s Avatar
I need such a generator in Vanilla Minecraft, Mojang, pls add! :D Really beautiful!
