Minecraft Maps / Nether Structure

Arcane Nether Portal +Tutorial

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Trydar's Avatar Trydar
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
►Arcane Nether Portal +Tutorial

►Tutorial & Demo Video: https://youtu.be/NKR5q7olrFk

A pointy triangular arcane nether portal to confuse your friends!

►Java Direct Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6ss1j9zti6eucaz/Trydar's+Arcane+Nether+Portal+TT.zip/file

► Trydar on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/trydar9k
► Trydar on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trydar9k
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08/23/2023 8:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MsTea0149's Avatar
I made something similar (I found a random stock picture of some "scifi portal" models and found some cool hexagon shaped one that I replicated in Minecraft. It's very futuristic looking and I made it out at sea with a path that leads from my city to it straight (Like off the coast of the city). Just...It feels weird out in the open like it is. Maybe yours fits outside fine being arcane and all but I feel mine should be inside a building/lab or something. It's so freaking huge, though, I can't imagine a building big enough to house it but that's probably just me. So do you have any idea what kind of building or idea at least of what could house such a massive hexagonal shaped scifi Nether portal? I gave it a base in the shape of a long straight quartz prism horizontally if that makes sense (width). It's 82 blocks wide at the base, so about 70 blocks for the portal.

Any idea what could house such a big portal? Just figured you might have interesting input as you seem to build very large structures.
08/24/2023 2:56 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
Trydar's Avatar
I have a smaller hexagonal portal too you might like, you might look up the science lab ive posted also, its hexagonal as well.

11/29/2022 5:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jokerd00d's Avatar
11/29/2022 9:25 am
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
Trydar's Avatar
